Tuesday 22 December 2009

I suck, Catherine Tate is thick and it's christmas

I stopped blogging over November because of NaNoWri. Even though I did give up like a 1/3 thought, but whatever.
And then I had just got out of the swing of it, y'know?
Then it was my mock GCSEs, joy of joys, so I was revising and when I wasn't revising I was numbing my mind with tumblr and the like.

So, hi. Those are my excuses. I'm over it now. I'm going to blog.

I only just today watched the Never Mind the Buzzcocks; Doctor Who Special today. My gosh, Catherine Tate is a bit thick isn't she? Hehe. I mean; very funny lady, very entertaining. But just a bit thick. How long was she in Doctor Who? And she has only recent learnt his name is not 'Doctor Who' like, last name 'Who' and he's a doctor. Silly billy.

I do love David Tennant. I saw St. Trinians 2 today, it was good and it had Daveyboy in it. Wasn't keen on his greying hair I must say, but he's gorgeuos so whatever. Actually love him so much. I will proudly announce to one and all that I have his autograph up on my wall.

It's christmas in a few days guys, you exicited? I'm not excited exactly but I am really looking forward to christmas day. Being all family-y and having a lovely lunch (possibly with an old woman who lives up the road who may be on her own at christmas) and I am looking forward to presents. I know that's materialist and I feel so selfish when my sister just gets Oxfam Unwrapped presents. (Although I did buy her something so she has an actual present, but some money goes towards a charity). But yeah, I am looking forward to opening presents. It's fun. :)

I just love chirstmas though, not even the day just the season. All the decorations everywhere and christmassy things and what not. It's lovely.

But anyway. I shall stop typing now.
Toodle pip mes amis,
x x x

Sunday 1 November 2009

My boyfriend is falling asleep.

I'm at Liam's house because I stayed there last night. He is currently falling asleep on his bed so I decided to come blog because he is always telling me I should blog more. If I am honest this may as well be called 'Dear Liam' because I'm pretty sure he's the only one who reads it. However, I will continue ma bloggin' 'cause I am coo-el like that.

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo. I'm 14 hours in the day and haven't written a single NaNoWriMoWord. If Liam's still all sleepyface by the time I finish blogging I'll probably start it here. I don't think this'll be a very long blog because I should be saving my writing energy for the 1666 words I should be writing today to keep the average. I think I am going to fail NaNoWriMo, but am totally up for trying it. It kind of sucks that in December I have my mock GCSEs should probably be revising this month; oh well.

Right, this is a short blog. I'm off to go write 50,000 words. Yay.

I feel like I should have a cup of tea, maybe when Liam wakes up I'll make us both a mug. :)

I'll leave you with a picture of Lily Cole, I decided my main character looks like her;

Love and things
x x x

Saturday 10 October 2009


I was tagged on facebook to do a 25 facts abouts me note a little while ago. I couldn't be bothered at the time, but I am now. Here.

  1. I have a scar under my lip where I bit through it once. I was little and on the climbing frame when I fell. Don't remember it at all though. Probably for the best.
  2. I wish i could wear pretty little dresses all the time. I sadly have only a few dresses and live in England. (England's not anti-dresses, just the weather's a bit anti-sun)
  3. I used to play the recorder and the flute, I now play the piano and want to learn guitar.
  4. I often listen to songs and can hear the piano in them, then try to play it. It rarely goes well.
  5. I once got some books to teach myself some Mandarin. I learnt all the really basic stuff that was in the book and didn't know where to go from there. So I stopped.
  6. I have this weird lump behind my ear, I've had it for years. Hopefully the doctors will tell me what it is soon. :)
  7. I am incredibly tired right now.
  8. I am totally in love with Cass, my camera, but I fear she may die soon.
  9. I love dancing like a complete spaz; not out of choice, I just dance that way.
  10. I'm going to see the gymnastics world championships a week tomorrow and I am So excited.
  11. Also excited for my boyfriend's very post-birthday party which I kind of took over and started organising.
  12. I am currently in debt £55 to my mum and sister. Partly from reason no. 10...
  13. I am on prom committee at my school, which means I get a say in the planning of my prom. Also meaning I get like the first two hours of Monday morning off school to go see the place we're almost definitely having it.
  14. I'm one of those weird teenagers that loves her parents. Sure I don't agree with them sometimes and sometimes I'm sure they are choosing not to listen to me. But I know they just want the best for me.
  15. I also love my sisters very much. :) Despite the occasional hating and dickish behaviour on her part.
  16. No relative or friend of mine had died since from whenever I can remember. I'm really lucky for that, but I know that's just going to make it all the harder when it happens.
  17. Cough medicine makes me pull faces and shudder and feel sick. I'm a wuss.
  18. I have never broken a bone.
  19. I don't like when things aren't written properly. Even in texts. It's not 'ur' it's your or you're!
  20. I get seriously offended when people insult my intelligence. More so than childish names.
  21. I don't generally watch that much TV but I do have the shows I fall in love with; Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill and Doctor Who are the three that spring to mind.
  22. I am currently reading The Gunslinger by Stephen King and am working my way SO slowly through it.
  23. I'm running out of things to say with out relying on things like...
  24. ... I'm not wearing socks.
  25. I am very happy this is over.

Good night blogger, sweet dreams


x x x

Friday 9 October 2009

You cannot escape me

That isn't meant to sound creepy; sorry if it does...

Moving on;

I am currently all over the internet, I can't see a website without joining up (well, that's a lie - plenty of dating and gambling sites I shan't grace with my presence). Currently, I have blogger (obviously), twitter, youtube, dailybooth and recently I have joined tumblr. Why get that? I hear you cry, well blogger is where I ramble - hence the In which Emma rambles - but tumblr is where I'll share a thought, a quote, a picture or whatever else I feel like sharing at that time. Instead of the essays I write here.

Each time I'm signing up for something I manage to convince myself I do need this thing in my life. I do need to find out that someone I follow on youtube is going to starbucks for coffee. I do need to see pictures of many people everyday. I do need to need read the comments and see the photos on tumblr.

I think I can justify all my websites as long as it always takes a back seat to my 'irl life'. You know, not 'Oh, hi boyfriend I will come see you after I've caught up with my youtube subcriptions' or 'Sure, I can come to that super awesome party happening right now, just let me blog a little first.'

'Cause that would be weird...

And now I'm bored of blogging.

Toodle Pip.

x x x

Wednesday 7 October 2009

I'm short

The following blog was written at the beginning of summer, I just never published it but haven't blogged in a while so here we go...

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a short woman in possession of flats much be in want of heels.

So, yeah, anyone who has ever met me (and is of decent height) will have noticed I am short. Top shelves are a mystery to me, I have to tip-toe to kiss my boyfriend without him looking down and even my stubby little fingers have to stretch to play octave chords.

I think my height (or lack of...) makes the whole world seem bigger. It sure as heck makes me feel younger, when I have to look up to people it makes them seem older. even if they're younger than me. Maybe that's just me who feels like that. I'm a bit odd like that.

But apparently it makes me cute; in the movies it's terrible if the guy you're in love with thinks you're 'cute'. But in this case he loves me too.

Although, to totally pull off the cute I need to be petite. So; summer diet to get me from short and fat to short and skinny. But any who...

Can you tell I kinda just wanted to blog and didn't really have anything to blog about?

Have wonderful days of tall or small,
x x x

Friday 25 September 2009

An Inspector Calls.

So, on Wednesday night I went, with my school, to go see An Inspector Calls at the Novello Theatre in London.

Let me just say, I love the theatre. It's all so pretty and dramatic. Also, the only times I ever go is to musicals with my Nanna, which is always so much fun, and to see my cousins in things and that is amazing; seeing these two people I celebrated the millennium with up on stage, being completely different people. It's awesome.

I also love the play, most people hate the texts they have to read for exams but I ended up reading the whole thing while we were only half way through in class because it was so interesting. So I was really looking forward to it.

Possibly the most dramatic thing happened before we were anywhere near the theatre, funnily enough. We got to the other campus of our school* and they realised that one of the girls from my site wasn't on any of the lists the teachers had. She didn't have a ticket. What happened was that she had put her name down, and paid but after the date. So they hadn't got her a ticket and the money had been refunded. She was not told this. But we carried on towards the motorway, the teachers on the phone trying to sort something out for her. We get to the junction and the coach in front turns onto the motorway. We go around the roundabout. We were going back to school. Twenty minutes later we're back, sat in the school car park trying to work out who this girl's mother is shouting at.

But they managed to get her a ticket and it's all okay.

One of my friends managed to pwn one of the teachers with us by counting Starbucks; he said 'I don't think this is quite the target market for Starbucks'

Que Starbucks to appear in his window. Oh, the hilarity.

The play itself; loved it. It was very dramatics but it was a piece of drama so... hehe. Shelia annoyed me at the beginning but she's supposed to be this silly little girl so that was just because the actress (Marianne Oldham) was good. Mrs. Birling (Sandra Duncan) was hilarious, I'm pretty sure she was supposed to be. I hope she was. I wasn't too keen on the inspector to be honest, that may have been the way the director (Stephen Daldry) saw him but that wasn't my inspector. There was also these creepy little kids and a lot of random people that had nothing to do with the book's story line. But it was really good.

I told my boyfriend that when we grow up we're going to go to the theatre a lot** and he said okay. So all my money shall go to theatre tickets, woo! Well, there' much worse addictions! Hehe.

Bien a toi,
x x x

[*We're spilt into two campuses because the original one wasn't big enough for all the students
** In the same way we plan our wedding, name our children etc. We're not nessicarily serious.]

Wednesday 23 September 2009

I type this with with no J key

The laptops of my school are a little bit rubbish. Someone has picked the J key off. But obviously, as I am typing the letter J, I can still type it. Not that the letter J comes up much. Until now I'm am typing about it...

Swiftly moving on.

On Saturday I had an interesting conversation with my mother and the future and shizzle. We were talking about A Levels and not choosing too many 'soft subjects' and how good of a university I should go to or what to go to and would able to go to. My mother, like the rest of the world, is under the impression I'm some sort of super genius who will go off to Cambridge or Oxford and do amazingly and spend the rest of my life being rick from my amazing job and reading clever books.

I, however, am a bit more realist.

Just because I'm am predicted all As for GCSE doesn't mean I'm going to. Just because I did well on the CATs and SATs* doesn't mean I'm going to do well. Just gives an indications. But who knows, apparently I'm doing well in my subjects; except art. But I will not go into that until I am in ranting mood. And today I am happy. I have a cough, cold and eye thing but I am having a good day today so I shall continue with the happy. Maybe tomorrow I will be sad about the sore eye and stupid voice but now I'm okay.

Although I'm tired.

And I don't get home 'til midnightish tonight; and i left my house this morning at 8.10. Long day. :(

But it's all in the name of education; I'm going to see An Inspector Calls at the theatre as that's an exam text.

It's now time to do work; see you on the other side.

Love and happiness

x x x

[*exams taken in age 12 and 13]

Thursday 17 September 2009

I'm a wuss.

Today I had my HPV (cervical cancer) injection. I'm not scared of needles, I am however not very fond at all of pain. This, I feel, is rational. I wasn't scared about the jab but I wasn't looking forward to the pain. Earlier this year I had an injection and it hurt for the next few days, I was not too happy to receive a repeat performance.

So, today I was called to the textiles room (the only big room free; CATs were going on in the hall) after art. I waited outside and we talked about how nervous we are; some more than others. I went into the room, gave her my form and then had to tell her my name, date of birth, name, address and who signed my form (I'm not sure why, just to check it's really me?). She then ran through some questions, do I feel okay today, did I eat breakfast, am I on any medication, have I had any injections in the past four weeks, and I planning on having any in the next four week, thing like that. Besides last year when I had low blood pressure I was all good. She talked a little then stuck the needle in me. It hurt. Not too much but it did hurt. She then pressed it with a cotton ball and stuck a plaster on it. She is asked if I was alright. I'm fine, I reply.

Then I starting seeing little black spots.

I said I was feeling a little dizzy, she made me sit back in my chair.

My peripheral version went, then it all slowly went back.

The next thing I saw was the ceiling and two woman kneeling over me, one holding up my legs. Upon further inspection I saw that my shoe was on all funny. Still not sure why. I wasn't out for very long and they straight away made me drink water and eat a glucose tablet (which was awesome, like a big orange pez!).

I'm not dizzy anymore, but it hurts. I'm being a wuss but it HURTS. I can't really move my left arm otherwise the world will hear me scream in pain and I am getting random pains on my left side.

The good news? I have two more HPV injections to go. Great.

Yours painfully,
x x x

P.S. Msn? Not impressed.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

I suck

So, I said I would do all of those things in the previous post. It's not going so well.


I'm eating a salad and a piece of fruit for lunch everyday and shall continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, I snack. Too much. I need to stop doing that. :(


Neither of my gym buddies have expressed much of an interest to go back to the gym and walking there on my own and then walking to the bus stop on my own seems a bit boring... Also, for the gym I need money. This I do not have.


I'm actually getting better at this, have been ahead on all my homework except the piece of chemistry I was doing at 11.00 last night because I'd forgotten about it (but; to be fair I had only been given it that day. It's not like I forgot it for a whole week!)


I'm actually doing well here. Something that previously pissed me off hellishly I can now be calm about. Totally zen about that. Still have bitchy thoughts but that's because I'm a girl and we do that. Did get annoyed at a party at the weekend but only for a while because then I had to look after the drunken host. Also, I've found myself being really happy lately. I was thinking about how nice my hair's been lately, then started thinking about how, compared to some*, I actually have kinda nice skin.

[*That's not supposed to be rude, I'm just being postive here. :)]

But hey, I'm still just a kid; I'm a work in progress. I'm just going improve myself one step at a time.

But I do kinda suck. I'll try to get better,


x x x

Thursday 3 September 2009

As of Monday...

On Monday 7th I go back to school. Only a few days. Gah. But positivity, please. You know how people make New Year resolutions? I shall. New school year resolutions.

I am going to eat better. I shan't say how many calories a day I eat or whatever because I will not remember to count them all. Just eat better; more salads, more water and less crap.
I have two hours of gymnastics each week but that is not enough. I shall start going to the gym again and work out at home more.
I WILL be more organised; I say this all the time but I will! Homework should not be done the night before its due in. Piano practise is occur frequently, half an hour a day. At least. I will remember to do these things as well as tidying my room and cleaning the office weekly.
I am going to be more happy. Not let those stupid little things bug me. There are many positive things in my life and shall focus on them whenever I get inexplicably annoyed.

All things I shall start on Monday. If I improve on all four aspects I shall be healthier, fitter, thinner, more organised, better in my mother's eyes and happier. And I would quite like this.

I'm hoping that by writing it here I will actually do it. We'll see. :)

I have had a handful of jelly beans and many negative thoughts in the small amount of time from writing that^ and writing this sentence. Meh. It's starts Monday, 'kay?

Jesus, I need to sleep soon. It's only five past ten but i didn't sleep well last night; wasn't in bed 'til one. Then was woken up by my door opening and closing and the wind and rain at various ungodly hours. And this morning was one of the rare occasions I actually had to get up a certain time. That time being 8.

Gah, started thinking bitchy thoughts.

Goodnight blogger, sweet zombieless dreams*.

x x x

[*Last night I had a dream about zombies.]

Thursday 27 August 2009

I'm a bit pathetic

When I'm ill I get pathetic. I don't know how I'll deal will getting seriously ill - not well I'm guessing. Anyway...

This weekend we went to visit my uncle and aunt for my cousins first birthday. My mum, dad, sisters and I went as did my grandparents and we all manged to get ill from it. I was sick three times that evening. And the following day my uncle got ill, then my sisters, then my mum and dad and my grampa. And a few days previously my aunt and the lil' baby got ill. Not good.

But a few days after I got ill again, at half past two and four in the morning I was up being sick; niiiice, right? I wasn't even at home - I was sleeping at my boyfriend's house! (Not in his room I would like to just point out...) There are various reasons for my delayed illness we think but I can't be bothered to get into them. But that rest of the day I stayed in bed. Got home about half nine and went to sleep on the sofa (I couldn't have my room 'coz the radiator man was faffing about up there), I woke up at about three, watched some telly with my sister then went up to my room at 5. I dozed until dinner (when I ate about ten grains of rice and a prawn). Bedtime was 8 and I slept until 9 the next morning. That really is quite pathetic, methinks; just lying down, praying not to throw up again.

On a happier note something made me laugh a lot right now - you know all the random quizzes on facebook that will tell you all the things you never wanted to know? Well one of my facebook friends took the 'What body part are you?' and his result was penis. There is post on my facebook homepage telling this guy 'You're a penis!' Sometimes I love facebook.

I'm all healthy now, just to let you know. :) So it's all good. I'm healthy and that guy is a penis. Good times.

And I started this blog two days ago but due to the many things I'm blaming my forgetfulness on I'm only just posting it today. So, GOOD MORNING BLOGGER - I hope you are all fine and well

x x x

Saturday 22 August 2009

Hello *waves*

Haven't blogged in a while. Many idea for doing so but have yet to actually turn any of them into writing. But this is not purely laziness, okay it's MOSTLY laziness. But after being on holiday for two weeks I have a lot of blogs to read and decided to not write until I have totally caught up.

I have not technically caught up yet.

But tonight I am VERY happy. There is no real reason, I'm just in a appreciate-life kinda mood. It's nice. I told Liam that I was very happy and he asked why and I didn't really have an answer for him. But I told him Life is good. And when he when asked Why? again I said that I have a wonderful boyfriend in him, and many amazing friends who care about me. And tomorrow I go to see the cutest baby in the world. Maybe I am a little biased as she is my cousin but I don't care she is ADORABLE. And on Tuesday she is one year old! It doesn't feel that long ago that my aunt and uncle announced they were pregnant (yes, they. While it's the woman who has to BE pregnant and give birth we can't ignore the man's role in it when he is being a devoted husband-father type).

But moving off the cute ickle baby. Tonight I felt it was a blogging night! I only know of one person who reads this blog (my wonderful boyfriend) but it does feel good to just sit and type as if I were talking to lots of people. When I blog it's just what I'm thinking or feeling at the time so I can just type without much conscious brain input. While typing one of my stories or some homework or something I have to think about what I'm writing; be that the next plot development or why DID Mary Shelley use THAT metaphor instead of just describing it. It's kinda of like writing a diary, except of course I have to monitor what I'm writing because this does go out to the INTIRE INTERWEB, and I can type quicker than I can write. I think. Not legibly at least.

In old diaries I have the majority of the pages are filled with scribbles that are, apparently, words. That was because a) I was trying to write as quickly as I thought and b) it worked better than any lock; nosey people may have been able to open it, but they sure as heck wouldn't be able to READ it.

This is blog is so appropriately named. I just ramble. I'm the same when I talk and do not get interrupted I just go on and on.

Gosh, I am getting rather tired. Apparently being really happy tires me out. Or maybe it was the two hours of gymnastics this afternoon? Nar, definitely the happy.

Anyways, bed time now methinks. Goodnight my dears, I go to bed knowing that sure; I could be a dress size or two smaller and I could have the money to buy all the shoes and CDs I want but in the grand scheme of things who gives a flying fritzle? I do have a good life. So yeah, goodnight :)

x x x

Saturday 25 July 2009

Likes and dislikes

There are a lot of things I don't like;
I don't like people being a bitch for things I didn't do
I don't like people telling what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling it (unless I ask you as a doctor or psychiatrist)
I don't like being ignored
I don't like the wind and rain visiting on the days I decide to wear a skirt
I don't like that I'm unmotivated
I don't like that you can be a bitch and a hoebag and you still get your way
I don't like that things break so easily
I don't like that I cry so easily

But there are a lot of things I do like;
I like how the sun is returning to us; we have summer
I like that when I'm upset I have so many people to turn to
I like that me and my boyfriend can bitch about the same things
I like that even when I fall right on my arse my sometimes coach just laughs it up
I like I have lots of opportunities
I like it when I TAKE those opportunities
I like simple things like sun glasses and suncream and holding hands makes me happy

So yeah, this started as me being whiny but I think I'll pulled it around. :)

Be happy,

x x x

Thursday 23 July 2009

The Fair

I think it's fair to say I can be pretty grown up. For example, when my parents went away for a weekend instead of having a big party or whatever I cleaned the house. I think I can be a responsible young adult who makes well informed decisions and thinks of the consequences of her actions. However, it is also fair to say that I can a little kid some times.

One thing that makes me a little kid; THE FAIR.

Yesterday I went to the fun fair and it was awesome. We went of the Twister twice and the Waltzers*. James kept getting excited which made ME excited. I shouted enthusiastically and skipped and twirled towards the rides. I now have a bruised hip from being smooshed against the side of my seat, with two girls (albeit two very light girls) being squashed against me but it was totally worth it.

We ate ice lollies in the sun and then went to the park. It was a modern park with interesting spinning and climby things. It was full of like eight year olds but it was fun all the same.

Then we went and stood in the band stand just because we could. And played hide and seek which was amazing; it was a great place for it. Even if we missed the bus we were gunna get because we were having so much fun.

The Amanda got to feel grown up by using her card to buy drinks, even if it got rejected... Hehe. And we all ate ice; it's hard to talk with an ice cube in your mouth - try it.

And there was a bit of geese chasing, but that's not important.

It was a wonderful day and I had a lot of fun, thanks guys. :)

I love being childish.

x x x

*Next time YOU go to a fair, if you have a camera, video yourself / your surroundings while on rides. You may get some awesome footage, just don't, like, drop the camera.

Friday 17 July 2009

Where's my summer?

Remember me blogging about loving summer and how hot it was and how I was melting? Now; not so much.

I am aware that Brits, as a nation, can be pretty silly. (I mean we apparently consider the BNP as genuine future leaders...*) But honestly, can we misplace the sun? Apparently so.
I broke up for summer holidays today, six week of sun right? Nope. If I look at the window now I can see grey clouds and the rain that was pouring down an hour ago. It's, quite frankly, miserable outside. This is apost ta be summer, Mr. Weather Man. I can haz sun plz?


Okay; it's now almost a week later because I suck at blog writing. I can actually say SUMMER IS BACK. Maybe. I'm not sure. We've had two glorious days of fun in the sun and hopefully *touch wood* it'll stay.

So yeah, I'm going to stop talking about the weather now before it like starts a-stormin'.

Good evening and summer to you all,

x x x

*Don't start a political argument with me about the greatness of the BNP, unless you can guarantee I will not have heard it before.

Messy Room

Any one who knows me in any way can probably tell I'm a bit weird. Like, I don't have problems I'm just a bit odd.

For example this week I decided I am going to tidy my boyfriend's room this summer; like a proper blitz. However my room at home is a complete STATE. I mean, I have to tidy my floor every monday night for the cleaner woman (that always sounds posh...) but the often just means I pile everything up on my desk.

I have a habit of straightening up everyone's ties and collars at school, I cannot stand when piles of things (books for example) are not straight and if left alone my boyfriend's bedroom I tend to try and straighten it up a bit.* But in my own house I don't like tidying much. Some days I have cleaning urges, I straighten up the living room and study, organise the bathroom and clean the kitchen. But most of the time it's like my room puked over the rest of the house; I just leave stuff everywhere.

And my room. Even when it's tidy it's messy. It's very... cluttered. Even the walls are cluttered with photos and cinema tickets and train tickets and other such obects. And I have two shelves of... well... clutter. All things that have little purpose but I can't bring myself to throw away.

Although most of the time it looks messy because it's messy.

Even my walls are cluttered...

So if you ever happen to appear in my bedroom, don't expect to see the capet. :)
Love & stuff
x x x

*I'm making it sound like Liam lives in a pit of mess and junk. Not really, it's just not tidy most of the time.

Thursday 2 July 2009

You know it's hot...

... when the village shop has to take all the chocolate of the shelves

and move it all the fridge.

Just to stop the sale of liquids that should really be solids.

Quick question; when do we move the Emma into the fridge to stop me being a liqud when I should really be fairly solid? Seriously; I think I'm going to melt.

Can I live in here, please?

Basically it's SO hot right now. The kind of weather in which you don't even care about how effing dirty the river is you want to stay in it for hours and ever. Serious, dirt and disease can kiss my whatever as long as I can (girlily, I should add) jump off that sexy iron bridge into the cool depths below. Ah, wish I'd been there today. But when you live in a stupid little village like I do and all ma amigos live not here - is differecult to escape to river swimming and general good times.

Uh, I thought I was going to see my boyfriend today. But I didn't.

Today I was, however, hit on by eleven years. At least I have options...

Still loving summer I swear,

x x x

PS Is it sad that today when I made a cake i found it rather amusing that the electric whisk made an E in the batter?

I'm cool. :)

Monday 29 June 2009

Your stupid. Learn you're grammer.

Okay; we all make the odd typo. In fact, I make the odd hundred.
But those aside.
If you are calling someone something; dumb for example. You are saying YOU ARE dumb. Not that dumb belongs to them. Therefore you are saying the abbreviation of you are: YOU'RE.
So, you're dumb
for not knowing that it's you're not your.

Thank you.
Oh, also; who can tell me what's wrong with this title of this book aimed to help 5-9 year olds learn and practise writing, punctuation and grammar.


x x x

PS feel free to tel me all the mistakes I make in my typing - I just can't be bothered to read my blogs back...

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Long Phone Calls.

You know on movies and TV shows when people have those

"No, you hang up....

No; you!

I'm not going to hang up, you hang up.
No, you hang up!"

And they are disgusting. It's like; just hang up the goddamn phone, y'know? Who cares who hangs up first?

I had that conversation.

Almost; not so obviously lovey-dovey, but the lovely-dovey was still there.

I was on the phone to my boyfriend the other night and we're not seeing each other much this week or next as we have work experience (more on that later). Now, anyone who sees me and Liam around school will know we spend a lot of time together; we have about half of our lessons together I just worked out and we walk to lessons together when we can. To then take that away from us, apparently, had pathetic results.

I will admit; I am needy. I would like to see my boyfriend every day. But that's not reasonable so I just try to talk to him every day and see him as often as is possible. It's okay that I am so needy, I would like to point out, because he kind of is too. So we're just cutely in love - let's leave it at that!

In the absence of actually company we have turned to phone calls. I know, not a new invention but we never really called each other; we just texted or MSNed. But we have starting phoning each other instead and it's really nice. You know with some people on the phone it's really awkward and you have nothing to say which is fail when you make a phone call to TALK? When you don't have it's nice. When you can even have occasional comfortable silences between lovely conversations phone calls can be nice, you can walk around and do things or just lie in bed or sit in the garden.

It's just... wonderful.

I'm gunna blog about all the wonders of work experience next week; that is a threat, not a promise.

Love to all,

x x x

Saturday 20 June 2009

Book Banners

There are somethings in this world that are awesome; happy babies, people who do things for charity and book (not all, but most)

Somethings in this world are notsome; Hitler, lies when there is no benefit* and book banners (not all, but most).

Take a selection of young adult fiction. Preferable those aimed at females or gender neutral (I cannot claim to no anything about books aimed at males). You will find these will probably include sex in some way; having sex, wanting sex, discussing sex, friends having sex, learning about sex. Or possibly drugs; taking drugs, watching someone take drugs, a friend taking drugs, being tempted by drugs. This could also go for alcohol or other such things a parent wouldn't really approve of.


If they do; those should be banned.

Now, book banners; I have not explained myself there. These are people who think certain books should be removed from school / public libraries. Or at least be moved to another section. This would be fine if the books were not fit for the young adult section they are in, I'm sure in some cases it's a genuine mistake and the book gets more - no problem.

But some times these people are just being plain SILLY.

Some books are YA. They were written for young adults and the librarians - who know what they're doing! - have decided that they are fit for the young adult section.

From my limited research (what I have heard...) it seems that book banners are usually mothers, who read a bit of their teenagers books and think 'core blimey heck; SEX?' and decide that this book is not suitable for their child.

This blog was inspired by Maureen Johnson book's struggle to not be banned, but instead of talk about her book I decided I would go for another author I TOTALLY FANGIRL. John Green. :)

In a video he told the Internet 'I am not a Pornographer'.

His first book, Looking for Alaska**, was going to be taught to eleventh graders at Depew High School. This is not usual as a lot of schools around America teach it. But the teachers etc. at Depew High School thought that some of the scenes in it are a bit controversial so wrote a letter to parents to just make sure it was okay with them to teach it. If they signed the permission slip, the kid reads the book in class. If not, they read another book. Sound like a good plan, right?

Apparently not.

Some people, not necessarily people with eleventh grade children but whatever, decided this book was a work of PORN. Therefore will cause 'immoral thoughts and actions in children'. Therefore even if the students whose parents have said 'Yeah sure, read the book - is cool' shouldn't be allowed to read the book. In my mind the agreeing parents should be offended - the non-agreeing parents are kinda judging their parenting.

When John Green talks about this, he admits there is one sex scene in it. This shows how disastrous sexual activities of that sort can be; it's awkward and not arousing - the point of porn being to arouse. The point of that scene is the contrast between that scene and the scene that follows it; there is not physical interaction in this scene but a strong emotional connection. He's telling us how it's actually better not to have sex, the emotional relationship is much better. Teenager who have physical relationship without the emotional one are going to have a failed relationship. It's inevitable.

So when their are people going around claiming he's a pornographer; he had a right to be upset. He has written an amazing book that would be great to study in class. Anyone who reads that book can tell it's not suggesting sex is great and we should all have it, even teenagers aren't stupid. We can tell when a book is telling us something. And I would be offended by anyone who suggests I cannot read critically just because I can't, y'know, vote and stuff.

So parents who want to ban books for your teenagers library (as if any are reading this...) I have some advice for you;
Read the entire novel with an unbiased view, if you still feel the book is inappropriate then you can have a case.
Don't think your kid is stupid and cannot think for themselves, we can actually be quite smart sometimes...
If you are worried about certain activities your child could be partaking in, talk to them. It might be easier than you think.
And finally, LIGHTEN UP; we are kids. We are curious about sex and drugs and life. Of course we are - that's what teenagers do. Sometimes we read about that stuff because we AREN'T DOING IT. Nor do we want to, but it's still nice to know what it's all about.

This is just one teenage girl's view on book banning; I'm not saying I'm right...

Well, I'm off to sleep away this THROAT OF PAIN (that's not gunna work. I need drugs!)

But first, I shall leave you with a picture of me while I wrote this blog.

I couldn't find any plastic bowls so I settled with this plastic pan thing I found... Good night my dears


x x x

*I know, I know; 'Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness' but somethings are okay to lie about

** If you have not read this book, seriously, do. Go and buy / borrow it and experience the wonder that is Looking for Alaska.
PS Have you noticed I don't read my blogs through...
PSS I know that Liam is going to read this because for he reads my blog.. the only person I know that does. Hehe. I love you Li Li. x

Friday 19 June 2009

I'm sick *fake cough*

Anyone know where I'm quoting from?

So, yeah; I'm a bit of a poorly girl. Yesterday I wake up with an incredibly sore throat, me and mother consider my staying at home that day but then decide that as I have to do my German coursework under test conditions that day it would be best for me to go to school. That's fine, just take Strepsils when I can and for lunch I'll just have yogurt and a banana; easy to swallow.

Fast forward an hour or so to registration, I'm crying (I cry too much, huh?) because my throat is absolute murder. Everyone is telling me to go home but I want to do my German, even though I then rest my head on Liam's shoulder, let my hair fall over my face so no-one can see me and tell him quietly that it is really hurting me. Matron comes in to give us forms so they can stick us with needles at some point and is quite worried because if I'm crying that much something is really wrong; you'd think, huh?

But I brave on, I'm a crier, baby - but a fighter. Get to German, start revising for the coursework. Then decide I need to go see Matron. Okay, maybe not such a fighter...

She sent me home. I had a high temperature and whatever was wrong with my throat and a bad headache and tear puring out of me. And I had the 'not well' look about me.

So I go home, I take the appropriate drugs, I drink a lot, I eat nothing, I fin sh my book (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), I watch three episodes of doctor who, I tidy the bathroom.


I took today off as well. Not being in school for two days makes you feel a bit out of the loop. Apparently I didn't miss much but I still feel like I may have.

But hey; I had a lie in. And have so far read the first 14 chapters of Harry Potter.

The plan, I think, is that I miss gymnastics tomorrow. I don't want to but I think it's probably best I do. I have work experience starting Monday so I should probably rest up for that. Mum reckons I have tonsillitis. Yay. Well, possible tonsillitis sounds more medical than 'it feels like I have a lump in my throat that moves when I swallow.' Gross sounding, eh?

Well the television awaits to amuse me, so toodle pip.

Hopefully I'll be better soon and not write such boring, rambling blogs about the day I got ill.

But... We'll see.


x x x

I was quoting Mean Girls.

Boo You Hore.

PS I'm sorry. I am very sorry. That was INCREDIBLY boring. If you read it, well done. Next post will be EXCITING. Nar, who am I kidding?

Wednesday 17 June 2009

I forgot to give this post a name...

Today two interesting things happen.

Firstly, at lunch I discovered how you get people's attention; clap. Outside in the courtyard someone started clapping - apparently he does his a lot to see if anyone will join in. It worked. Someone else joined in, then someone else, then their whole group was clapping. Then surrounding groups (including myself&boyfriend&friend) started clapping also; this may have been just to join in or to take the piss, either way the entire courtyard began clapping. People from the field, MUGAs* and canteen then come running over, thinking 'everyone's clapping; something must be going on'. Nope.

Freddie's got the idea!

This, of course, freaked out all the teachers; if we're all clapping SOMETHING MUST BE GOING ON. My head of year asked me and my boyfriend 'What's going on?' So we told her. We are clapping. Why? No reason at all.

But they had to ruin our fun and scream at us to go back to where we came from. I don't think I've ever heard a french teacher demanding people to go play football. And when I thought that was the most amusing thing about today, something else happened...

You know the way some girls send their boyfriends naughty pictures? And then sometimes to another person. Who will then send it to a complete knob who will print it off and stick it up on a school notice board? Yeah.

I come back from lunch, watching toward my form room to see a big crowd of people. Shouting about seeing something, which I soon find out is pictures of a year in my girl. Wearing a suggestive amount of not a lot.

While I feel sorry for this girl, that would be HUMILIATING, I can't help from finding it a little funny. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bitch, I really do feel sorry for her. If that had happened to me (don't worry; it WON'T) I would be MORTIFIED; this is not something people are going to forget. But you really have to be more careful about something like that, once you sent someone a... compromising photo of yourself they can do whatever they like with it. Send it on.. put it on noticed boards.

Oh, and just once minor detail I forgot, this notice board isn't just like big pin board; it's locked. The pictures were just slid in the side, but then you couldn't get them out again without a key. So instead of being able to just rip it down they just had to stand in front of it and wait until a teacher with a key.

Today was... eventful.

Here's hoping something interesting happens tomorrow also. :)

Love and clappings


x x x

*Multi Use Games Areas; my sister looked at my funny when I said MUGA when I was talking about this to her. It's not something I just made up; honest.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Ich liebe meine Freunde

I love my friends.

That may sound like a stupidly obviously thing to say. But I really do. It makes me happy just to think I surround myself with people who can get me literally rolling on the floor laughing, even when it wasn't all that funny to start with. I adore that each of my friends are beautifully unique and uniquely beautiful. One of my friends once told me that one of the things she loves about the group I hang with is that we are all different. A bit quirky. Now, this wasn't in a actually bitchy 'y'all a' freeks' kinda way; she was telling how the group SHE usually hangs out with are all a bit the same.

These aren't the kind of friends you want

You want them more like this!

It amuses me to no end that I have a friend who will giggle at the same time as me when we both think of a joke at the same time just because someone said something random.

And that there is the most fabulous girl who was my best friend years ago. And still is now. And despite how much time passes we are still are the same when it comes to each other; mostly she talks lots and I listen because I don't have that much to say.

And that watching movies with one of friends, I have recently decided, is the ONLY way to watch movies.

I could go on and on and on about all the wonderful people I have in my life. But I shan't bore you. If there is anyone whom I consider even loosely a friend I appreciate you. I really do. Even if there I annoy you, or sometimes you annoy me; I love you. Because there are people who care about me, and that makes me happy.

Thank you.


x x x

I wish you peace and love and happiness in everything you do

I pray that everywhere you go someone will be in love with you

And I know that if you stay with in these loving arms of mine

That every one of these dreams will come true

(My favourite ever song lyric; and I mean it.)


Sunday 24 May 2009

I <3 summer

I love summer.
And the sun.
And the heat it generates.
And the colour of my skin after tanning.
And the colour my hair goes in the sun, the lovely blond highlights.
And how you can just sit and read or just lay down out in the sun.
And how you can go outside for everything, for a meal or just go for a walk because it's that nice outside.
And that you can wear short skirt or floaty dresses and not shiver while everyone says 'told you so' as happens earlier / later in the year*.
And I love taking pictures of the sun, they make for interesting photos. ;)

Hello Summer :)

And summer evenings when it's still light and warm, just with a cooling breeze.

And walking barefoot through grass or sand with flipflops in hand.

And that I wear make up less in summer.
And that I eat less.
And wearing sunglasses without looking pretencious.

I love summer.

x x x

*This does not happen to me. I'm the one laughing quietly to myself when a girl walks past in a bra and belt (no, sorry; that IS a top and skirt, just easily mistaken otherwise) shivering.

Friday 22 May 2009

Not so good times...

Today I cried. Just after physics, right next to my locker, I really started crying. And for no real reason, how silly is that? Well, therere must be SOME reasion; here are a possible few ;

1) my boyfriend had been annoyed at me but didn't actually tell me (when I directly asked if he was annoyed at me) that he was annoyed at me. Nor would he tell me why. I can't stop annoying him until I know what I did!
[Although he did later say... so I should cut him some slack there]

2) I was tired. That sounds silly but when I'm tired I am SO much more likely to cry.

3) I hit my knee yesterday. Really bad. It hurts very very lots. And it was instant bruising. And made me feel really tired after. And I keep hitting it on things again (yes, I'm Bella clumsy) at I don't deal well with pain.
4) Today was the end of term and that always makes you feel a bit... meh. A week off to recharge the batteries will be nice.

**Thanks to the joy of draft i started this yesterday so I shall carry on from the day after**

And today I cried again. But this time I blame my blood pressure. It's too low and it makes me ill. And being ill makes me cry. Don't know why, guess I'm just weird.

So that my tales are water leaking from my face. Wasn't that fun?

Nothing exciting. Just wanted to right about it. This isn't even interesting. Maybe I'll write something interesting next time.

Yeah, the kid's right; not likely

Maybe I will get through tomorrow without crying at all, wouldn't that be exciting?

Love and tears


x x x

Friday 8 May 2009


The other day a tractor came down my road from the farm. My thought? (a) this should be a horse (b) he should be ridiculously attractive (c) I should have some accident like dropping my school bag so he can stop, get down and (d) start talking to me so we can (e) start falling in love.

I blame the Hannah Montana Movie.

But in reality, this (not very attractive at all) young man, who was too old for me anyway, went straight past me. Which is just as well; I has this boy what I am going out. He lovely. :)

I think I have watched to many films / TV shows and read too many books that have all that love stuff in them. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend; he's amazing, really. But thanks to all that romance fiction I do kinda a little bit expect him to just do something randomly amazingly sweet and crazily over the top.

for example; I think if / when I am proposed to I am actually going to be surprised if it's just; "I love you, marry me?". I want a room filled with candles (Friends) or a thousand yellow daises (Gilmore Girls). That doesn't mean I expect it, of course. Don't think I am some high maintenance girlfriend who demands everything her way, it's just I kinda want that. My mother did always tell me that "I want doesn't get" and I know that. But a girl can dream, can't she?

But when I think about it, I realise have the kind of romance I like. Love in fact. The kind of romance that is my boyfriend only ever giving me the orange tic-tacs from the orange and lime packets coz I said I like those better or tickling me all the time at school coz he likes to make me giggle or wrapping his arms around me when it's cold while singing Take That songs. Because I love it when he sings.

It may simple, but it's real. And I love it.

But Liam, you can always buy me flowers. :p

So, really I just have to understand that fiction is just that. Fiction. A lot of those things are written by woman who have the idea of a perfect man in their minds and find their way to make him real. But the man in my life is perfect enough.

(Gosh, what a fickle little teenage girl am I going to sound if in a few months / weeks / days / hours I post a blog all about how i just got dumped / broke up with him)

(Well seeing as I started this Friday and it is now Monday it proves a) that I am still in like like with him and b) it takes me FOREVER to finish a blog sometimes...)

*Now imagine the tinkling of a piano coz I am about to do some SERIOUS piano practise*

(Piano playing is not for the small handed - let me tell you)

Anyways.. The lesson of today. Fiction is fiction and we should learn to appreciate the real little gestures of love. We should all stop comparing men to Edward Cullen. He's got the vampirery thing going on, and he's had a century to practise all this. Most men are just winging it.

I wish you all a romantic day


x x x

Monday 4 May 2009

Road Trips

T'other day I watched Elizabeth town. Amazing film. You should like totally watched it. :)

It starts off a little slow and you may, like me, think what was Amanda getting so excited about? It's not that great a film. (Okay; maybe the 'Amanda' just applies to me...) But then you start liking it. You start loving it. And then you want someone to plan an amazing road trip for you, including a great soundtrack and several stopping points. Then all you want to do is go on a road trip even though you lack a car and well.. are too young to drive anyway.

So to add to my list of thing to do in life; an amazing road trip. Or perhaps two; one with people. One alone. I should really start saving petrol money now coz when I can drive that's all I'm going to want to do. When buses into your village are about every two hours you really want to drive yourself places. Not to mention how much I hate asking my parents to drive me places, they have their own lives they shouldn't have to, for example, not drink on a Friday night because they need to pick me up. Sometimes I think that, for a teenager, I make quite an... easy daughter. Wouldn't you say?

But anyway; road trips.

My auntie once told me she used to want to be a lorry driver. It seemed the best job in the world to her, she could just sit there and drive, listening to the radio or her music. And they always have those little toys hanging all over the place; that appealed to her young self.

I can see her point. I want to just go for a drive sometimes, just sit in my car, turn the radio right up and drive. Maybe not even know where I'm going; drive for the sake of driving.

In other news; Windows Movie Maker hates me. I kid you not. Earlier this evening I had to stop the video editing that I was doing because I was so frustrated at it. Grr.

The thing about writing blogs and then leaving them for a little while to come back to is that the last bit no longer applies; I edited the video and have uploaded it to that good old YouTube. But WMM still hates me methinks.

I'm just gunna leave this blog right about here.

Stay in school, don't take drugs and (most importantly) don't forget to be awesome :)

x x x

Sunday 3 May 2009

Swine Flu

People need to stop freaking out about swine flu.

*sneeze* "Oh, I think I'm getting a bit of a cold."
"No, it's just a col-"
"I don't have swi-"
"SWINE FLU. SWINE FLU." *Runs away screaming to the nearest shower*

Have we not noticed that the media like to make a big deal about things? Madelin McCann went missing; the media OBSESSED about it. But then they got tired off printing the headline 'MADDY HAS BEEN CONFIRMED DEAD' and then 'MADDY STILL ALIVE' the next day. And just before Easter Jade Goody was dying; we knew ALL about that. Then she died (may she rest in peace) and we knew ALL about that.
What can newspapers print and TV news shout about now? Ooh, disease. (Well, it's either disease or Princess Diana and, as much as I love and respect her, there can't be much more to report about that now surely?)

I understand that it is a serious disease but i think you could clear a room by wearing a sombrero, I honestly do.

People are gunna by more newspapers and watch more of the news if they are panicking about things. Maybe I'm just a bit cynical but... there we go.

So children, if someone you know has a doctor confirm they have swine flu, yeah; probably time to panic. But until then don't worry. You're more likely to die by being hit by a car. So, watch out for cars.

Stay healthy ;)
x x x

Sunday 26 April 2009


This weekend I went to Cardiff. Haven't been to Cardiff? You should go; it's lovely! My sister is there at the university and this weekend was a trip to see her; and a slight geek-fest. Let's start with the geek-fest, shall we?

Me and the wonderful Sophie went around Cardiff clutching the map that we had found HERE. It showed us, for example where Owen went to reflect on his life. (I've just realised that this was one i didn't go with Sophie to find; i saw this when i was with my family; but it's the first one that popped into my head so...)

We had a wonderful few hours, even if we did get a little lost and didn't visit all the 27 places. I love Sophie and being nerdy with her. <3>

Sophie then went back to Englandland and I stayed with my sisters, aunt, uncle and cousin. They are a cool bunch of people to hang out with, let me tell you! We went for a nice meal and then we (minus auntie and the babe...) went and watched the football in a pub (...noisy pubs full of shouting fans not fun for a little baby). Okay, let me just step back and tell you something; I don't watch football in pubs. There was a moment when I had a sip of my sister cider and just thought; what the hell? It was a bit funny.

After the football (man u 5 spurs 2 ; my uncle not so happy) we went for a meal. When we were seated and had just been given menus my uncle was about to complain about how dirty the menus were. And then he realised that they weren't dirty; it was part of the design!

'You can't take me anywhere; not even Nandos!'

He also shared a few words of wisdom with us; 'The rest way to get over someone - get under someone else!' and this little nugget from Fraiser;

Martin: So you can let it eat a hole in your stomach or you can just file it away under the heading "Sometimes life sucks."

Fraiser: Yeah, well, that file's getting pretty thick!

I love my uncle.

Going home after the meal didn't seem like fun, so we went to their hotel (The Hilton, thank you very much) for a few drinks. And while on the subject of drinking there; lets talk about peeing there. They do not make it easy for you! I mean, it's not like the toilets move while your sat on them, to make you fall off, bucking bronco style; it's just a bit of a maze to get there. Picture this; you are sat in the bar and you need the toilet; you come out of the bar, walk across a hallway, go through a door, and a another, go down a flight of stairs, through another door and then two more! Maybe they just don't want to have to fold the toilet paper into triangles too many times a day;

The next four hours are giggles, serious discussions and many 'it's a secret but...'s washed down with cokes and wine. Speaking of coke; here a story for you.

An A-level history class, a girl and her friend are talking about summer ball as she is putting in a lot of effort organizing it. The friend asks how much tickets are, £30 she replied. At this point another girl sitting a row ahead, who hates the first girl for no reason, pipes up. '£30? Seriously? That's well expensive. You seriously except people to pay for that?' I would like you, for a moment, to consider; venue, food, decorations, entertainment, raffles etc. £30 is not unreasonable. The teacher at this point turns around to the whiny girl and says (with a little bit of venom) 'Well, that wouldn't be a problem if we didn't spend all our money on coke (talking about the drug now here, just in case you were unsure) now, would it?' This teacher is great, we love a bit of Mr. W.

Upon leaving, a drunken man screamed at us 'You girls have been drinking in the Hilton; that's well expensive.' It was odd. But that's the city, baby!

Now fast forward through the sleeping on the floor, the morning after feeling and skip to me and family on a train. Where to?

If you don't know nuffink about Gavin and Stacy this may not amuse you. But yeah. I went there. It's a bit rubbish. Especially in the rain. But good times. ;)

While in Barry we found something new my cousin can do. We feed her her baby food (vegetable lasagna goop; yummy) and then she sneezes; spitting food everywhere. Very funny and cute. Babies never cease to amuse.

Okay; I think I shall leave it there. I have gone on about my Caerdydd (that's welsh, oh yes) adventures. Good morningdayevening
x x x

Things I noted down throughout the weekend that I can't be bothered to slip in and will just quote;
'Shall we just separate the balls, make it easy on her?' ; now in a game of pool, that's not funny. But when you consider the innuendo...
'But you say thank you a gift, I always will. Even if it's a book on cricket; you say thank you!'
'We weren't at it like rabbits.. But we were kind of...'
'At it like rabbits?'

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Talk to strangers. :)

Raise your hand if you have heard of Omegle.

(I really hope you just actually raised your hand if you did, if not I'm sad. Go on, raise your hand. Just a little. There you go. This is obviously irrelevant if you have not heard of it.)

The tag line of omegle is 'talk to strangers' essentially what's what you do. The computer puts you in a conversation with a total stranger, you don't have any screen name or anything. The person knows only what you choose to tell them. Some people (my sister for example; we had an argument about it) think this website is weird and unsafe. The following reason are why this is not true;
  • As I said before; you tell them what you want to. Your fault if you give them your full name, school / work , mothers maiden name and date of birth. I, however, will say only the country I am from, my age, my gender and possibly my name if asked. It would take a genius / an obsessive to find me from THAT. I never give my full name, email address (ha; as i typed that someone asked for it) or any other personal information. I'm not stupid!
  • There are much better websites from trying to perv on people. Myspace or Facebook for example; you get so much more information off those! (Gosh; this is going to turn into How to use the Internet to Perv)
  • People from all over the world use it, the likelihood of talking to someone whom would not find it very expensive to stalk me is slim. The closest anyone has come to living near me lives several hours away (he told me where he lived, silly billy; i could be a pervy old man, I didn't tell him).
  • If what the person is saying offends / bores you; just disconnect the conversation. Someone (with a 7 inch penis I have been led to believe...) asked something about my genitalia so I just gave a sarcastic answer and disconnected. Can you tell I'm very grown up? =p
I personally am in love with this site, I enjoy all the amazing conversations I am having with random strangers. For example none of my friends start conversations with;
u lost the game
A Swedish pal from this site also told me it's a good way to improve your English, assuming you do not speak it as your first language of course.

There's just something really fun about having a conversation with a person you know you will never speak to again (unless you are my friend Susan, who was in the same conversation 3 times in a row by some weird incident). I have totally random conversations with people and I thoroughly enjoy the not knowing anything about them, there is no prejudice or preconceptions just a lovely conversation about whatever takes your fancy.

But, of course, you need to get a good person; not someone who is going to ask if you can email them a picture of yourself.

Here are a few snippets of my favourite conversations;

Stranger: i have a question
You: Ask away
Stranger: do u know the muffin man
You: The muffin man? Who lives on dury lane?
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: yes
Stranger: well
Stranger: shes married to the muffin man'
You: She's married to the muffin man!?
Stranger: BUT OF COURSE!
Stranger: its been about a year now

You: So.. what is work for you?
Stranger: working at the government
You: Ooh.
You: Sounds important!
Stranger: its important indeed
Stranger: just a moment please.. (phonecall)
You: Ooh, i feel important just being allowed to talk to you! =p
Stranger: im just a normal boy
Stranger: dont be afraid :P
You: Okay; deep breaths. Deep breaths..

Stranger: ...this service is rather unnerving
You: Because you are talking to a person you know absolutely nothing about?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: and the miniscule chance that you're actually Randall Munroe
Stranger: who just linked to this site
Stranger: Come to think of it
You: Well i will tell you now; i am in fact a 67 year old fat man with a beard. I was hoping to find a naive hot girl who i could seduce and then meet up with in a private place.
Stranger: Uh huh.
You: (That was a joke; in case you didn't get that...)
Stranger: And such the internet came to its completion
Stranger: Yes, thank you
Stranger: I'm actually an international supermodel who really has a thing for old fat men, but oh well

Stranger: This is rather like a Turing test
You: Am i dumb for not know what a turing test is?
Stranger: no
Stranger: A Turing test is a system for figuring out if a computer is sentient or not
Stranger: The setup usually has a person communicating through some kind of IM with either a human or a compute ron the other end.
Stranger: If the person believes that the computer is actually alive, then that computer passes the Turing test, and it is accepted as sentient
You: Well you learn something new everyday.
Stranger: yep
Stranger: That's exactly what a compute rwould say!
You: Oh no, you've caught me!
Stranger: Aha!
You: I mean; er. I am not a computer.
Stranger: Sure you're not.
You: I am not.
Stranger: Fine, whatever you say
Stranger: So, how are your diodes?
You: Sexy.
Stranger: Uh huh.

Stranger: how many people start debating religion or aborton or somethin
Stranger: god is a lie
You: No he is not. God is truth.
Stranger: Wait, Andrew? From mormon.org? I chatted with you on the Chat Live with a
Stranger: Mormon site!
You: No. My name is Parnell.
You: Parnell... Perkins.
You: The IV
Stranger: Nice.
Stranger: So
You: So
Stranger: how about this economy, eh?
You: I blame the aliens!
Stranger: Not a bad idea.
Stranger: Blame Canada!
Stranger: Blame Canada!
You: Damn Canada.
Stranger: My feelings exactly.
You: Damn canada with their.. what does canada have?
Stranger: snow
Stranger: moose
Stranger: hockey
Stranger: maple syrup
Stranger: french people
You: With their snow mooses playing hockey with frnech people eating maple syrup.
You: Ruined with economy!
Stranger: Yep.
Stranger: I mean, really: we all know French people can't manage money
You: But they do a nice moustache.

Maybe you will not find them as amazing as I did, but you totally hadto be there!

So if you are an omegle virgin; go lose your virginity. =) (Of the omegle kind, I'm not suggusting sexual intercourse)
But i want you to watch this first; CLICK ME
(And in the song replace 'Nerimon' Emma =p)


x x x

And all girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy.

Sunday 19 April 2009

Science Revison

I have decided that doing triple science (for those who don't know; triple science is the hardest level of science you can do at GCSE level) may be worth all the brain ache. Why I hear you scream (well, no I don't..)? Is it because of all the smart people stuff I will learn and could have practical use in the really world, like changing a plug? Nope. Is it because it looks good on a CV and will help me get into a good uni? Nope. It's because I have lots of revision books that try to be funny. And they almost are. Here is a few examples from the back of the books (there's more 'jokes' inside the books);

Okay, they aren't hilarious but I am in a incredibly bad mood; i was going to let anything cheer me up. These silly little jokes are all I have stopping me from being sad again. (How pathetic)
Anyways: I'm not trying to sell these books I swear, unless the CGP people want to pay me to advertise them, which I'm totally okay with! Hehe.
I shall go back to doing homework now; I'm back at school tomorrow after two weeks. GAH! No more lie ins and lazy days.
Hope y'all are enjoying the sun (assuming you have sun), I sure am.
x x x

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Gunna shank you up, mate.

You know how there are people in the world who talk about certain situations, such as a fight, and will discuss how such a sitiuation how happen and end and will even imagine the conversations that would take place. This is me and my friends.

And you know how some people will then actually make it happen. Will have the fight as talked about and will actually do something about that thet've been bitching about. This is not me and my friends.

Yesterday was the day of the big not fight. Okay, just a quick back story there is this girl (Let's call her C) who would rather like to beat up two of my friends, one (Let's call him B) because he makes fun of her brother (well, he says his name in a stupid way...) and the other (Let's call him J) for no reason. Yesterday another of my friends left his bag somewhere, and when a couple of people went to look for it it had been taken. By C and her friends, they then gave back the bag after (very childishly) putting a half eaten sausage in it and taking something. His Nerf.

This is a Nerf.
Long story short we then tried to track down who had the Nerf and C and a smaller posse had run away. We could not. There was no fight. There was simply shouting from the group of chavs that claimed to not have it after we were at a safe distance. And we thought we were the cowards..?
So; no fight. No Nerf. Just a childish group of chavs who think they are amazing because they smoke. Yay for lung disease, cardiovascular disease, about 6 cancers and all that other shit you will have to deal with to look cool! (Did I mention I am against smoking?)
Oh, did i mention my passionate dislike for one of them? Let's call her S. I could quite happily punch her in the faceif violence was the answer. In fact I'm on not going even get started on S. Just thinking about that fat, skanky haired, attention whore makes me angry. I'm making myself sound like a bitch, huh? You would be too if you met her.
Prehaps something more exciting might happen today; but I won't know because the sun maybe shining baby but I'm going to go sit in a dark room for an hour and a half -ish. Meaning: I'm going to the cinema. Well for all I know while I sit here there could be a ma-hoo-sive fight taking place and I am just typing away blissfully unaware. But I don't think so.

In other news I think DailyBooth is mocking me. I'm sure I keep following people and then I realise that I am not following them when I realise their face has not appeared on the dashboard... Ever. Lately I have followed three people I thought I was following. Also I'm sure some pictures just never appear on the dashboard. Ah, too confusing. By the way; if DailyBooth is a strange, unknown thing, allow me to explain. You take a picture of yourself everyday. And see other peoples pictures of today. And they see yours. That's about it. Wanna go there? Click right about... HERE. I have my lastest picture somewhere on the side over there -->

I think I shall go get ready to do the leaving thing now. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

x x x

Monday 13 April 2009

Who said I need a life?

Thanks to the WONDERFUL Maureen Johnson many people are participating on BEDA (blog every day April) and well, it does what is says on the tin. At half nine this evening I decided I would read four peoples blogs so far. 13 days. 4 bloggers. 52 blogs (Oh, check MY maths). So far this evening I read a baker's dozen (that's 13...) blogs by Kristina and three by Maureen. Then I decided to write in my own blog. And then my story (I have 100 more words - exactly! - but I also made loads of changes so... YAY) . So the blog reading has taken a back seat.

Something I am beginning to be annoyed by is how many different blogging sites there are. I can barely remember which one I am one. (Luckily when i start typing in 'blog' to the address bar all the pages I've been on on this site; who needs to actually remember things when the computer will do it for you?) I used to be on another blogging website* but I realized, while I was okay with putting it on the internet, if anyone I knew read it it would just be a bit weird. Sometimes personal stuff (I mean emotions etc. not like bank details...) is okay to share with the internet because they are strangers. You may never have to meet / talk to these people. If they judge you, so what? They are in Iceland or something. But I shall try and write this in a way in which I would not be embarrassed if someone read it. For one thing it has my name on it *EMMA*. My previous blog was anonymous, that's why I was so open (and just a TAD bitchy).

[*I'm sorry Blogger, it was before i signed up for you. I swear! I've not been going behind your web page with a another blogging site]

Now, Maureen Johnson (Oh shut up about MJ, do you like love her or something? Yes, as a matter of fact. And some day she will have my babies, or let me have hers. How does it work when you're both girls?) gave three ideas for blogging.
(Here's a little fact for ya' when copying that third tip I copied her ENTIRE blog so far in April. I then had to delete it all, trying not to delete my own. This is one of the many reasons I should not be Prime Minister, but that's for another blog.)

So far I have done none of those. In fact I have rambled (you knew I was gunna do that!) about blogging. Maybe some day I'll write an interesting blog. And maybe some day I will *insert something i will never to do*. I hear ALL the cool kids use sarcasm... Word.

x x x