Sunday 14 June 2009

Ich liebe meine Freunde

I love my friends.

That may sound like a stupidly obviously thing to say. But I really do. It makes me happy just to think I surround myself with people who can get me literally rolling on the floor laughing, even when it wasn't all that funny to start with. I adore that each of my friends are beautifully unique and uniquely beautiful. One of my friends once told me that one of the things she loves about the group I hang with is that we are all different. A bit quirky. Now, this wasn't in a actually bitchy 'y'all a' freeks' kinda way; she was telling how the group SHE usually hangs out with are all a bit the same.

These aren't the kind of friends you want

You want them more like this!

It amuses me to no end that I have a friend who will giggle at the same time as me when we both think of a joke at the same time just because someone said something random.

And that there is the most fabulous girl who was my best friend years ago. And still is now. And despite how much time passes we are still are the same when it comes to each other; mostly she talks lots and I listen because I don't have that much to say.

And that watching movies with one of friends, I have recently decided, is the ONLY way to watch movies.

I could go on and on and on about all the wonderful people I have in my life. But I shan't bore you. If there is anyone whom I consider even loosely a friend I appreciate you. I really do. Even if there I annoy you, or sometimes you annoy me; I love you. Because there are people who care about me, and that makes me happy.

Thank you.


x x x

I wish you peace and love and happiness in everything you do

I pray that everywhere you go someone will be in love with you

And I know that if you stay with in these loving arms of mine

That every one of these dreams will come true

(My favourite ever song lyric; and I mean it.)


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