Thursday 10 June 2010

It's been a while

So, I haven't blogged properly in a while. And this isn't a proper blog. It's just a sort of explantion.
I got tumblr. There were go; explanation. That is were all my time that isn't revising has gone. So I haven't been on here since christmas. Blimey.
May start a new blog, I like blogging. But maybe I'll start afresh.
We'll see.
Short sentences for my short blog.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

I suck, Catherine Tate is thick and it's christmas

I stopped blogging over November because of NaNoWri. Even though I did give up like a 1/3 thought, but whatever.
And then I had just got out of the swing of it, y'know?
Then it was my mock GCSEs, joy of joys, so I was revising and when I wasn't revising I was numbing my mind with tumblr and the like.

So, hi. Those are my excuses. I'm over it now. I'm going to blog.

I only just today watched the Never Mind the Buzzcocks; Doctor Who Special today. My gosh, Catherine Tate is a bit thick isn't she? Hehe. I mean; very funny lady, very entertaining. But just a bit thick. How long was she in Doctor Who? And she has only recent learnt his name is not 'Doctor Who' like, last name 'Who' and he's a doctor. Silly billy.

I do love David Tennant. I saw St. Trinians 2 today, it was good and it had Daveyboy in it. Wasn't keen on his greying hair I must say, but he's gorgeuos so whatever. Actually love him so much. I will proudly announce to one and all that I have his autograph up on my wall.

It's christmas in a few days guys, you exicited? I'm not excited exactly but I am really looking forward to christmas day. Being all family-y and having a lovely lunch (possibly with an old woman who lives up the road who may be on her own at christmas) and I am looking forward to presents. I know that's materialist and I feel so selfish when my sister just gets Oxfam Unwrapped presents. (Although I did buy her something so she has an actual present, but some money goes towards a charity). But yeah, I am looking forward to opening presents. It's fun. :)

I just love chirstmas though, not even the day just the season. All the decorations everywhere and christmassy things and what not. It's lovely.

But anyway. I shall stop typing now.
Toodle pip mes amis,
x x x

Sunday 1 November 2009

My boyfriend is falling asleep.

I'm at Liam's house because I stayed there last night. He is currently falling asleep on his bed so I decided to come blog because he is always telling me I should blog more. If I am honest this may as well be called 'Dear Liam' because I'm pretty sure he's the only one who reads it. However, I will continue ma bloggin' 'cause I am coo-el like that.

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo. I'm 14 hours in the day and haven't written a single NaNoWriMoWord. If Liam's still all sleepyface by the time I finish blogging I'll probably start it here. I don't think this'll be a very long blog because I should be saving my writing energy for the 1666 words I should be writing today to keep the average. I think I am going to fail NaNoWriMo, but am totally up for trying it. It kind of sucks that in December I have my mock GCSEs should probably be revising this month; oh well.

Right, this is a short blog. I'm off to go write 50,000 words. Yay.

I feel like I should have a cup of tea, maybe when Liam wakes up I'll make us both a mug. :)

I'll leave you with a picture of Lily Cole, I decided my main character looks like her;

Love and things
x x x

Saturday 10 October 2009


I was tagged on facebook to do a 25 facts abouts me note a little while ago. I couldn't be bothered at the time, but I am now. Here.

  1. I have a scar under my lip where I bit through it once. I was little and on the climbing frame when I fell. Don't remember it at all though. Probably for the best.
  2. I wish i could wear pretty little dresses all the time. I sadly have only a few dresses and live in England. (England's not anti-dresses, just the weather's a bit anti-sun)
  3. I used to play the recorder and the flute, I now play the piano and want to learn guitar.
  4. I often listen to songs and can hear the piano in them, then try to play it. It rarely goes well.
  5. I once got some books to teach myself some Mandarin. I learnt all the really basic stuff that was in the book and didn't know where to go from there. So I stopped.
  6. I have this weird lump behind my ear, I've had it for years. Hopefully the doctors will tell me what it is soon. :)
  7. I am incredibly tired right now.
  8. I am totally in love with Cass, my camera, but I fear she may die soon.
  9. I love dancing like a complete spaz; not out of choice, I just dance that way.
  10. I'm going to see the gymnastics world championships a week tomorrow and I am So excited.
  11. Also excited for my boyfriend's very post-birthday party which I kind of took over and started organising.
  12. I am currently in debt £55 to my mum and sister. Partly from reason no. 10...
  13. I am on prom committee at my school, which means I get a say in the planning of my prom. Also meaning I get like the first two hours of Monday morning off school to go see the place we're almost definitely having it.
  14. I'm one of those weird teenagers that loves her parents. Sure I don't agree with them sometimes and sometimes I'm sure they are choosing not to listen to me. But I know they just want the best for me.
  15. I also love my sisters very much. :) Despite the occasional hating and dickish behaviour on her part.
  16. No relative or friend of mine had died since from whenever I can remember. I'm really lucky for that, but I know that's just going to make it all the harder when it happens.
  17. Cough medicine makes me pull faces and shudder and feel sick. I'm a wuss.
  18. I have never broken a bone.
  19. I don't like when things aren't written properly. Even in texts. It's not 'ur' it's your or you're!
  20. I get seriously offended when people insult my intelligence. More so than childish names.
  21. I don't generally watch that much TV but I do have the shows I fall in love with; Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill and Doctor Who are the three that spring to mind.
  22. I am currently reading The Gunslinger by Stephen King and am working my way SO slowly through it.
  23. I'm running out of things to say with out relying on things like...
  24. ... I'm not wearing socks.
  25. I am very happy this is over.

Good night blogger, sweet dreams


x x x

Friday 9 October 2009

You cannot escape me

That isn't meant to sound creepy; sorry if it does...

Moving on;

I am currently all over the internet, I can't see a website without joining up (well, that's a lie - plenty of dating and gambling sites I shan't grace with my presence). Currently, I have blogger (obviously), twitter, youtube, dailybooth and recently I have joined tumblr. Why get that? I hear you cry, well blogger is where I ramble - hence the In which Emma rambles - but tumblr is where I'll share a thought, a quote, a picture or whatever else I feel like sharing at that time. Instead of the essays I write here.

Each time I'm signing up for something I manage to convince myself I do need this thing in my life. I do need to find out that someone I follow on youtube is going to starbucks for coffee. I do need to see pictures of many people everyday. I do need to need read the comments and see the photos on tumblr.

I think I can justify all my websites as long as it always takes a back seat to my 'irl life'. You know, not 'Oh, hi boyfriend I will come see you after I've caught up with my youtube subcriptions' or 'Sure, I can come to that super awesome party happening right now, just let me blog a little first.'

'Cause that would be weird...

And now I'm bored of blogging.

Toodle Pip.

x x x

Wednesday 7 October 2009

I'm short

The following blog was written at the beginning of summer, I just never published it but haven't blogged in a while so here we go...

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a short woman in possession of flats much be in want of heels.

So, yeah, anyone who has ever met me (and is of decent height) will have noticed I am short. Top shelves are a mystery to me, I have to tip-toe to kiss my boyfriend without him looking down and even my stubby little fingers have to stretch to play octave chords.

I think my height (or lack of...) makes the whole world seem bigger. It sure as heck makes me feel younger, when I have to look up to people it makes them seem older. even if they're younger than me. Maybe that's just me who feels like that. I'm a bit odd like that.

But apparently it makes me cute; in the movies it's terrible if the guy you're in love with thinks you're 'cute'. But in this case he loves me too.

Although, to totally pull off the cute I need to be petite. So; summer diet to get me from short and fat to short and skinny. But any who...

Can you tell I kinda just wanted to blog and didn't really have anything to blog about?

Have wonderful days of tall or small,
x x x

Friday 25 September 2009

An Inspector Calls.

So, on Wednesday night I went, with my school, to go see An Inspector Calls at the Novello Theatre in London.

Let me just say, I love the theatre. It's all so pretty and dramatic. Also, the only times I ever go is to musicals with my Nanna, which is always so much fun, and to see my cousins in things and that is amazing; seeing these two people I celebrated the millennium with up on stage, being completely different people. It's awesome.

I also love the play, most people hate the texts they have to read for exams but I ended up reading the whole thing while we were only half way through in class because it was so interesting. So I was really looking forward to it.

Possibly the most dramatic thing happened before we were anywhere near the theatre, funnily enough. We got to the other campus of our school* and they realised that one of the girls from my site wasn't on any of the lists the teachers had. She didn't have a ticket. What happened was that she had put her name down, and paid but after the date. So they hadn't got her a ticket and the money had been refunded. She was not told this. But we carried on towards the motorway, the teachers on the phone trying to sort something out for her. We get to the junction and the coach in front turns onto the motorway. We go around the roundabout. We were going back to school. Twenty minutes later we're back, sat in the school car park trying to work out who this girl's mother is shouting at.

But they managed to get her a ticket and it's all okay.

One of my friends managed to pwn one of the teachers with us by counting Starbucks; he said 'I don't think this is quite the target market for Starbucks'

Que Starbucks to appear in his window. Oh, the hilarity.

The play itself; loved it. It was very dramatics but it was a piece of drama so... hehe. Shelia annoyed me at the beginning but she's supposed to be this silly little girl so that was just because the actress (Marianne Oldham) was good. Mrs. Birling (Sandra Duncan) was hilarious, I'm pretty sure she was supposed to be. I hope she was. I wasn't too keen on the inspector to be honest, that may have been the way the director (Stephen Daldry) saw him but that wasn't my inspector. There was also these creepy little kids and a lot of random people that had nothing to do with the book's story line. But it was really good.

I told my boyfriend that when we grow up we're going to go to the theatre a lot** and he said okay. So all my money shall go to theatre tickets, woo! Well, there' much worse addictions! Hehe.

Bien a toi,
x x x

[*We're spilt into two campuses because the original one wasn't big enough for all the students
** In the same way we plan our wedding, name our children etc. We're not nessicarily serious.]