Friday 9 October 2009

You cannot escape me

That isn't meant to sound creepy; sorry if it does...

Moving on;

I am currently all over the internet, I can't see a website without joining up (well, that's a lie - plenty of dating and gambling sites I shan't grace with my presence). Currently, I have blogger (obviously), twitter, youtube, dailybooth and recently I have joined tumblr. Why get that? I hear you cry, well blogger is where I ramble - hence the In which Emma rambles - but tumblr is where I'll share a thought, a quote, a picture or whatever else I feel like sharing at that time. Instead of the essays I write here.

Each time I'm signing up for something I manage to convince myself I do need this thing in my life. I do need to find out that someone I follow on youtube is going to starbucks for coffee. I do need to see pictures of many people everyday. I do need to need read the comments and see the photos on tumblr.

I think I can justify all my websites as long as it always takes a back seat to my 'irl life'. You know, not 'Oh, hi boyfriend I will come see you after I've caught up with my youtube subcriptions' or 'Sure, I can come to that super awesome party happening right now, just let me blog a little first.'

'Cause that would be weird...

And now I'm bored of blogging.

Toodle Pip.

x x x

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