Wednesday 7 October 2009

I'm short

The following blog was written at the beginning of summer, I just never published it but haven't blogged in a while so here we go...

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a short woman in possession of flats much be in want of heels.

So, yeah, anyone who has ever met me (and is of decent height) will have noticed I am short. Top shelves are a mystery to me, I have to tip-toe to kiss my boyfriend without him looking down and even my stubby little fingers have to stretch to play octave chords.

I think my height (or lack of...) makes the whole world seem bigger. It sure as heck makes me feel younger, when I have to look up to people it makes them seem older. even if they're younger than me. Maybe that's just me who feels like that. I'm a bit odd like that.

But apparently it makes me cute; in the movies it's terrible if the guy you're in love with thinks you're 'cute'. But in this case he loves me too.

Although, to totally pull off the cute I need to be petite. So; summer diet to get me from short and fat to short and skinny. But any who...

Can you tell I kinda just wanted to blog and didn't really have anything to blog about?

Have wonderful days of tall or small,
x x x

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