Saturday 10 October 2009


I was tagged on facebook to do a 25 facts abouts me note a little while ago. I couldn't be bothered at the time, but I am now. Here.

  1. I have a scar under my lip where I bit through it once. I was little and on the climbing frame when I fell. Don't remember it at all though. Probably for the best.
  2. I wish i could wear pretty little dresses all the time. I sadly have only a few dresses and live in England. (England's not anti-dresses, just the weather's a bit anti-sun)
  3. I used to play the recorder and the flute, I now play the piano and want to learn guitar.
  4. I often listen to songs and can hear the piano in them, then try to play it. It rarely goes well.
  5. I once got some books to teach myself some Mandarin. I learnt all the really basic stuff that was in the book and didn't know where to go from there. So I stopped.
  6. I have this weird lump behind my ear, I've had it for years. Hopefully the doctors will tell me what it is soon. :)
  7. I am incredibly tired right now.
  8. I am totally in love with Cass, my camera, but I fear she may die soon.
  9. I love dancing like a complete spaz; not out of choice, I just dance that way.
  10. I'm going to see the gymnastics world championships a week tomorrow and I am So excited.
  11. Also excited for my boyfriend's very post-birthday party which I kind of took over and started organising.
  12. I am currently in debt £55 to my mum and sister. Partly from reason no. 10...
  13. I am on prom committee at my school, which means I get a say in the planning of my prom. Also meaning I get like the first two hours of Monday morning off school to go see the place we're almost definitely having it.
  14. I'm one of those weird teenagers that loves her parents. Sure I don't agree with them sometimes and sometimes I'm sure they are choosing not to listen to me. But I know they just want the best for me.
  15. I also love my sisters very much. :) Despite the occasional hating and dickish behaviour on her part.
  16. No relative or friend of mine had died since from whenever I can remember. I'm really lucky for that, but I know that's just going to make it all the harder when it happens.
  17. Cough medicine makes me pull faces and shudder and feel sick. I'm a wuss.
  18. I have never broken a bone.
  19. I don't like when things aren't written properly. Even in texts. It's not 'ur' it's your or you're!
  20. I get seriously offended when people insult my intelligence. More so than childish names.
  21. I don't generally watch that much TV but I do have the shows I fall in love with; Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill and Doctor Who are the three that spring to mind.
  22. I am currently reading The Gunslinger by Stephen King and am working my way SO slowly through it.
  23. I'm running out of things to say with out relying on things like...
  24. ... I'm not wearing socks.
  25. I am very happy this is over.

Good night blogger, sweet dreams


x x x

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