Friday 19 June 2009

I'm sick *fake cough*

Anyone know where I'm quoting from?

So, yeah; I'm a bit of a poorly girl. Yesterday I wake up with an incredibly sore throat, me and mother consider my staying at home that day but then decide that as I have to do my German coursework under test conditions that day it would be best for me to go to school. That's fine, just take Strepsils when I can and for lunch I'll just have yogurt and a banana; easy to swallow.

Fast forward an hour or so to registration, I'm crying (I cry too much, huh?) because my throat is absolute murder. Everyone is telling me to go home but I want to do my German, even though I then rest my head on Liam's shoulder, let my hair fall over my face so no-one can see me and tell him quietly that it is really hurting me. Matron comes in to give us forms so they can stick us with needles at some point and is quite worried because if I'm crying that much something is really wrong; you'd think, huh?

But I brave on, I'm a crier, baby - but a fighter. Get to German, start revising for the coursework. Then decide I need to go see Matron. Okay, maybe not such a fighter...

She sent me home. I had a high temperature and whatever was wrong with my throat and a bad headache and tear puring out of me. And I had the 'not well' look about me.

So I go home, I take the appropriate drugs, I drink a lot, I eat nothing, I fin sh my book (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), I watch three episodes of doctor who, I tidy the bathroom.


I took today off as well. Not being in school for two days makes you feel a bit out of the loop. Apparently I didn't miss much but I still feel like I may have.

But hey; I had a lie in. And have so far read the first 14 chapters of Harry Potter.

The plan, I think, is that I miss gymnastics tomorrow. I don't want to but I think it's probably best I do. I have work experience starting Monday so I should probably rest up for that. Mum reckons I have tonsillitis. Yay. Well, possible tonsillitis sounds more medical than 'it feels like I have a lump in my throat that moves when I swallow.' Gross sounding, eh?

Well the television awaits to amuse me, so toodle pip.

Hopefully I'll be better soon and not write such boring, rambling blogs about the day I got ill.

But... We'll see.


x x x

I was quoting Mean Girls.

Boo You Hore.

PS I'm sorry. I am very sorry. That was INCREDIBLY boring. If you read it, well done. Next post will be EXCITING. Nar, who am I kidding?

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