Wednesday 17 June 2009

I forgot to give this post a name...

Today two interesting things happen.

Firstly, at lunch I discovered how you get people's attention; clap. Outside in the courtyard someone started clapping - apparently he does his a lot to see if anyone will join in. It worked. Someone else joined in, then someone else, then their whole group was clapping. Then surrounding groups (including myself&boyfriend&friend) started clapping also; this may have been just to join in or to take the piss, either way the entire courtyard began clapping. People from the field, MUGAs* and canteen then come running over, thinking 'everyone's clapping; something must be going on'. Nope.

Freddie's got the idea!

This, of course, freaked out all the teachers; if we're all clapping SOMETHING MUST BE GOING ON. My head of year asked me and my boyfriend 'What's going on?' So we told her. We are clapping. Why? No reason at all.

But they had to ruin our fun and scream at us to go back to where we came from. I don't think I've ever heard a french teacher demanding people to go play football. And when I thought that was the most amusing thing about today, something else happened...

You know the way some girls send their boyfriends naughty pictures? And then sometimes to another person. Who will then send it to a complete knob who will print it off and stick it up on a school notice board? Yeah.

I come back from lunch, watching toward my form room to see a big crowd of people. Shouting about seeing something, which I soon find out is pictures of a year in my girl. Wearing a suggestive amount of not a lot.

While I feel sorry for this girl, that would be HUMILIATING, I can't help from finding it a little funny. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bitch, I really do feel sorry for her. If that had happened to me (don't worry; it WON'T) I would be MORTIFIED; this is not something people are going to forget. But you really have to be more careful about something like that, once you sent someone a... compromising photo of yourself they can do whatever they like with it. Send it on.. put it on noticed boards.

Oh, and just once minor detail I forgot, this notice board isn't just like big pin board; it's locked. The pictures were just slid in the side, but then you couldn't get them out again without a key. So instead of being able to just rip it down they just had to stand in front of it and wait until a teacher with a key.

Today was... eventful.

Here's hoping something interesting happens tomorrow also. :)

Love and clappings


x x x

*Multi Use Games Areas; my sister looked at my funny when I said MUGA when I was talking about this to her. It's not something I just made up; honest.

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