Wednesday 24 June 2009

Long Phone Calls.

You know on movies and TV shows when people have those

"No, you hang up....

No; you!

I'm not going to hang up, you hang up.
No, you hang up!"

And they are disgusting. It's like; just hang up the goddamn phone, y'know? Who cares who hangs up first?

I had that conversation.

Almost; not so obviously lovey-dovey, but the lovely-dovey was still there.

I was on the phone to my boyfriend the other night and we're not seeing each other much this week or next as we have work experience (more on that later). Now, anyone who sees me and Liam around school will know we spend a lot of time together; we have about half of our lessons together I just worked out and we walk to lessons together when we can. To then take that away from us, apparently, had pathetic results.

I will admit; I am needy. I would like to see my boyfriend every day. But that's not reasonable so I just try to talk to him every day and see him as often as is possible. It's okay that I am so needy, I would like to point out, because he kind of is too. So we're just cutely in love - let's leave it at that!

In the absence of actually company we have turned to phone calls. I know, not a new invention but we never really called each other; we just texted or MSNed. But we have starting phoning each other instead and it's really nice. You know with some people on the phone it's really awkward and you have nothing to say which is fail when you make a phone call to TALK? When you don't have it's nice. When you can even have occasional comfortable silences between lovely conversations phone calls can be nice, you can walk around and do things or just lie in bed or sit in the garden.

It's just... wonderful.

I'm gunna blog about all the wonders of work experience next week; that is a threat, not a promise.

Love to all,

x x x

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