Sunday 24 May 2009

I <3 summer

I love summer.
And the sun.
And the heat it generates.
And the colour of my skin after tanning.
And the colour my hair goes in the sun, the lovely blond highlights.
And how you can just sit and read or just lay down out in the sun.
And how you can go outside for everything, for a meal or just go for a walk because it's that nice outside.
And that you can wear short skirt or floaty dresses and not shiver while everyone says 'told you so' as happens earlier / later in the year*.
And I love taking pictures of the sun, they make for interesting photos. ;)

Hello Summer :)

And summer evenings when it's still light and warm, just with a cooling breeze.

And walking barefoot through grass or sand with flipflops in hand.

And that I wear make up less in summer.
And that I eat less.
And wearing sunglasses without looking pretencious.

I love summer.

x x x

*This does not happen to me. I'm the one laughing quietly to myself when a girl walks past in a bra and belt (no, sorry; that IS a top and skirt, just easily mistaken otherwise) shivering.

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