Sunday 3 May 2009

Swine Flu

People need to stop freaking out about swine flu.

*sneeze* "Oh, I think I'm getting a bit of a cold."
"No, it's just a col-"
"I don't have swi-"
"SWINE FLU. SWINE FLU." *Runs away screaming to the nearest shower*

Have we not noticed that the media like to make a big deal about things? Madelin McCann went missing; the media OBSESSED about it. But then they got tired off printing the headline 'MADDY HAS BEEN CONFIRMED DEAD' and then 'MADDY STILL ALIVE' the next day. And just before Easter Jade Goody was dying; we knew ALL about that. Then she died (may she rest in peace) and we knew ALL about that.
What can newspapers print and TV news shout about now? Ooh, disease. (Well, it's either disease or Princess Diana and, as much as I love and respect her, there can't be much more to report about that now surely?)

I understand that it is a serious disease but i think you could clear a room by wearing a sombrero, I honestly do.

People are gunna by more newspapers and watch more of the news if they are panicking about things. Maybe I'm just a bit cynical but... there we go.

So children, if someone you know has a doctor confirm they have swine flu, yeah; probably time to panic. But until then don't worry. You're more likely to die by being hit by a car. So, watch out for cars.

Stay healthy ;)
x x x

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