Friday 22 May 2009

Not so good times...

Today I cried. Just after physics, right next to my locker, I really started crying. And for no real reason, how silly is that? Well, therere must be SOME reasion; here are a possible few ;

1) my boyfriend had been annoyed at me but didn't actually tell me (when I directly asked if he was annoyed at me) that he was annoyed at me. Nor would he tell me why. I can't stop annoying him until I know what I did!
[Although he did later say... so I should cut him some slack there]

2) I was tired. That sounds silly but when I'm tired I am SO much more likely to cry.

3) I hit my knee yesterday. Really bad. It hurts very very lots. And it was instant bruising. And made me feel really tired after. And I keep hitting it on things again (yes, I'm Bella clumsy) at I don't deal well with pain.
4) Today was the end of term and that always makes you feel a bit... meh. A week off to recharge the batteries will be nice.

**Thanks to the joy of draft i started this yesterday so I shall carry on from the day after**

And today I cried again. But this time I blame my blood pressure. It's too low and it makes me ill. And being ill makes me cry. Don't know why, guess I'm just weird.

So that my tales are water leaking from my face. Wasn't that fun?

Nothing exciting. Just wanted to right about it. This isn't even interesting. Maybe I'll write something interesting next time.

Yeah, the kid's right; not likely

Maybe I will get through tomorrow without crying at all, wouldn't that be exciting?

Love and tears


x x x

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