Sunday 26 April 2009


This weekend I went to Cardiff. Haven't been to Cardiff? You should go; it's lovely! My sister is there at the university and this weekend was a trip to see her; and a slight geek-fest. Let's start with the geek-fest, shall we?

Me and the wonderful Sophie went around Cardiff clutching the map that we had found HERE. It showed us, for example where Owen went to reflect on his life. (I've just realised that this was one i didn't go with Sophie to find; i saw this when i was with my family; but it's the first one that popped into my head so...)

We had a wonderful few hours, even if we did get a little lost and didn't visit all the 27 places. I love Sophie and being nerdy with her. <3>

Sophie then went back to Englandland and I stayed with my sisters, aunt, uncle and cousin. They are a cool bunch of people to hang out with, let me tell you! We went for a nice meal and then we (minus auntie and the babe...) went and watched the football in a pub (...noisy pubs full of shouting fans not fun for a little baby). Okay, let me just step back and tell you something; I don't watch football in pubs. There was a moment when I had a sip of my sister cider and just thought; what the hell? It was a bit funny.

After the football (man u 5 spurs 2 ; my uncle not so happy) we went for a meal. When we were seated and had just been given menus my uncle was about to complain about how dirty the menus were. And then he realised that they weren't dirty; it was part of the design!

'You can't take me anywhere; not even Nandos!'

He also shared a few words of wisdom with us; 'The rest way to get over someone - get under someone else!' and this little nugget from Fraiser;

Martin: So you can let it eat a hole in your stomach or you can just file it away under the heading "Sometimes life sucks."

Fraiser: Yeah, well, that file's getting pretty thick!

I love my uncle.

Going home after the meal didn't seem like fun, so we went to their hotel (The Hilton, thank you very much) for a few drinks. And while on the subject of drinking there; lets talk about peeing there. They do not make it easy for you! I mean, it's not like the toilets move while your sat on them, to make you fall off, bucking bronco style; it's just a bit of a maze to get there. Picture this; you are sat in the bar and you need the toilet; you come out of the bar, walk across a hallway, go through a door, and a another, go down a flight of stairs, through another door and then two more! Maybe they just don't want to have to fold the toilet paper into triangles too many times a day;

The next four hours are giggles, serious discussions and many 'it's a secret but...'s washed down with cokes and wine. Speaking of coke; here a story for you.

An A-level history class, a girl and her friend are talking about summer ball as she is putting in a lot of effort organizing it. The friend asks how much tickets are, £30 she replied. At this point another girl sitting a row ahead, who hates the first girl for no reason, pipes up. '£30? Seriously? That's well expensive. You seriously except people to pay for that?' I would like you, for a moment, to consider; venue, food, decorations, entertainment, raffles etc. £30 is not unreasonable. The teacher at this point turns around to the whiny girl and says (with a little bit of venom) 'Well, that wouldn't be a problem if we didn't spend all our money on coke (talking about the drug now here, just in case you were unsure) now, would it?' This teacher is great, we love a bit of Mr. W.

Upon leaving, a drunken man screamed at us 'You girls have been drinking in the Hilton; that's well expensive.' It was odd. But that's the city, baby!

Now fast forward through the sleeping on the floor, the morning after feeling and skip to me and family on a train. Where to?

If you don't know nuffink about Gavin and Stacy this may not amuse you. But yeah. I went there. It's a bit rubbish. Especially in the rain. But good times. ;)

While in Barry we found something new my cousin can do. We feed her her baby food (vegetable lasagna goop; yummy) and then she sneezes; spitting food everywhere. Very funny and cute. Babies never cease to amuse.

Okay; I think I shall leave it there. I have gone on about my Caerdydd (that's welsh, oh yes) adventures. Good morningdayevening
x x x

Things I noted down throughout the weekend that I can't be bothered to slip in and will just quote;
'Shall we just separate the balls, make it easy on her?' ; now in a game of pool, that's not funny. But when you consider the innuendo...
'But you say thank you a gift, I always will. Even if it's a book on cricket; you say thank you!'
'We weren't at it like rabbits.. But we were kind of...'
'At it like rabbits?'

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