Sunday 19 April 2009

Science Revison

I have decided that doing triple science (for those who don't know; triple science is the hardest level of science you can do at GCSE level) may be worth all the brain ache. Why I hear you scream (well, no I don't..)? Is it because of all the smart people stuff I will learn and could have practical use in the really world, like changing a plug? Nope. Is it because it looks good on a CV and will help me get into a good uni? Nope. It's because I have lots of revision books that try to be funny. And they almost are. Here is a few examples from the back of the books (there's more 'jokes' inside the books);

Okay, they aren't hilarious but I am in a incredibly bad mood; i was going to let anything cheer me up. These silly little jokes are all I have stopping me from being sad again. (How pathetic)
Anyways: I'm not trying to sell these books I swear, unless the CGP people want to pay me to advertise them, which I'm totally okay with! Hehe.
I shall go back to doing homework now; I'm back at school tomorrow after two weeks. GAH! No more lie ins and lazy days.
Hope y'all are enjoying the sun (assuming you have sun), I sure am.
x x x

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