Monday 13 April 2009

Who said I need a life?

Thanks to the WONDERFUL Maureen Johnson many people are participating on BEDA (blog every day April) and well, it does what is says on the tin. At half nine this evening I decided I would read four peoples blogs so far. 13 days. 4 bloggers. 52 blogs (Oh, check MY maths). So far this evening I read a baker's dozen (that's 13...) blogs by Kristina and three by Maureen. Then I decided to write in my own blog. And then my story (I have 100 more words - exactly! - but I also made loads of changes so... YAY) . So the blog reading has taken a back seat.

Something I am beginning to be annoyed by is how many different blogging sites there are. I can barely remember which one I am one. (Luckily when i start typing in 'blog' to the address bar all the pages I've been on on this site; who needs to actually remember things when the computer will do it for you?) I used to be on another blogging website* but I realized, while I was okay with putting it on the internet, if anyone I knew read it it would just be a bit weird. Sometimes personal stuff (I mean emotions etc. not like bank details...) is okay to share with the internet because they are strangers. You may never have to meet / talk to these people. If they judge you, so what? They are in Iceland or something. But I shall try and write this in a way in which I would not be embarrassed if someone read it. For one thing it has my name on it *EMMA*. My previous blog was anonymous, that's why I was so open (and just a TAD bitchy).

[*I'm sorry Blogger, it was before i signed up for you. I swear! I've not been going behind your web page with a another blogging site]

Now, Maureen Johnson (Oh shut up about MJ, do you like love her or something? Yes, as a matter of fact. And some day she will have my babies, or let me have hers. How does it work when you're both girls?) gave three ideas for blogging.
(Here's a little fact for ya' when copying that third tip I copied her ENTIRE blog so far in April. I then had to delete it all, trying not to delete my own. This is one of the many reasons I should not be Prime Minister, but that's for another blog.)

So far I have done none of those. In fact I have rambled (you knew I was gunna do that!) about blogging. Maybe some day I'll write an interesting blog. And maybe some day I will *insert something i will never to do*. I hear ALL the cool kids use sarcasm... Word.

x x x

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