Wednesday 15 April 2009

Gunna shank you up, mate.

You know how there are people in the world who talk about certain situations, such as a fight, and will discuss how such a sitiuation how happen and end and will even imagine the conversations that would take place. This is me and my friends.

And you know how some people will then actually make it happen. Will have the fight as talked about and will actually do something about that thet've been bitching about. This is not me and my friends.

Yesterday was the day of the big not fight. Okay, just a quick back story there is this girl (Let's call her C) who would rather like to beat up two of my friends, one (Let's call him B) because he makes fun of her brother (well, he says his name in a stupid way...) and the other (Let's call him J) for no reason. Yesterday another of my friends left his bag somewhere, and when a couple of people went to look for it it had been taken. By C and her friends, they then gave back the bag after (very childishly) putting a half eaten sausage in it and taking something. His Nerf.

This is a Nerf.
Long story short we then tried to track down who had the Nerf and C and a smaller posse had run away. We could not. There was no fight. There was simply shouting from the group of chavs that claimed to not have it after we were at a safe distance. And we thought we were the cowards..?
So; no fight. No Nerf. Just a childish group of chavs who think they are amazing because they smoke. Yay for lung disease, cardiovascular disease, about 6 cancers and all that other shit you will have to deal with to look cool! (Did I mention I am against smoking?)
Oh, did i mention my passionate dislike for one of them? Let's call her S. I could quite happily punch her in the faceif violence was the answer. In fact I'm on not going even get started on S. Just thinking about that fat, skanky haired, attention whore makes me angry. I'm making myself sound like a bitch, huh? You would be too if you met her.
Prehaps something more exciting might happen today; but I won't know because the sun maybe shining baby but I'm going to go sit in a dark room for an hour and a half -ish. Meaning: I'm going to the cinema. Well for all I know while I sit here there could be a ma-hoo-sive fight taking place and I am just typing away blissfully unaware. But I don't think so.

In other news I think DailyBooth is mocking me. I'm sure I keep following people and then I realise that I am not following them when I realise their face has not appeared on the dashboard... Ever. Lately I have followed three people I thought I was following. Also I'm sure some pictures just never appear on the dashboard. Ah, too confusing. By the way; if DailyBooth is a strange, unknown thing, allow me to explain. You take a picture of yourself everyday. And see other peoples pictures of today. And they see yours. That's about it. Wanna go there? Click right about... HERE. I have my lastest picture somewhere on the side over there -->

I think I shall go get ready to do the leaving thing now. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

x x x

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