Tuesday 21 April 2009

Talk to strangers. :)

Raise your hand if you have heard of Omegle.

(I really hope you just actually raised your hand if you did, if not I'm sad. Go on, raise your hand. Just a little. There you go. This is obviously irrelevant if you have not heard of it.)

The tag line of omegle is 'talk to strangers' essentially what's what you do. The computer puts you in a conversation with a total stranger, you don't have any screen name or anything. The person knows only what you choose to tell them. Some people (my sister for example; we had an argument about it) think this website is weird and unsafe. The following reason are why this is not true;
  • As I said before; you tell them what you want to. Your fault if you give them your full name, school / work , mothers maiden name and date of birth. I, however, will say only the country I am from, my age, my gender and possibly my name if asked. It would take a genius / an obsessive to find me from THAT. I never give my full name, email address (ha; as i typed that someone asked for it) or any other personal information. I'm not stupid!
  • There are much better websites from trying to perv on people. Myspace or Facebook for example; you get so much more information off those! (Gosh; this is going to turn into How to use the Internet to Perv)
  • People from all over the world use it, the likelihood of talking to someone whom would not find it very expensive to stalk me is slim. The closest anyone has come to living near me lives several hours away (he told me where he lived, silly billy; i could be a pervy old man, I didn't tell him).
  • If what the person is saying offends / bores you; just disconnect the conversation. Someone (with a 7 inch penis I have been led to believe...) asked something about my genitalia so I just gave a sarcastic answer and disconnected. Can you tell I'm very grown up? =p
I personally am in love with this site, I enjoy all the amazing conversations I am having with random strangers. For example none of my friends start conversations with;
u lost the game
A Swedish pal from this site also told me it's a good way to improve your English, assuming you do not speak it as your first language of course.

There's just something really fun about having a conversation with a person you know you will never speak to again (unless you are my friend Susan, who was in the same conversation 3 times in a row by some weird incident). I have totally random conversations with people and I thoroughly enjoy the not knowing anything about them, there is no prejudice or preconceptions just a lovely conversation about whatever takes your fancy.

But, of course, you need to get a good person; not someone who is going to ask if you can email them a picture of yourself.

Here are a few snippets of my favourite conversations;

Stranger: i have a question
You: Ask away
Stranger: do u know the muffin man
You: The muffin man? Who lives on dury lane?
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: yes
Stranger: well
Stranger: shes married to the muffin man'
You: She's married to the muffin man!?
Stranger: BUT OF COURSE!
Stranger: its been about a year now

You: So.. what is work for you?
Stranger: working at the government
You: Ooh.
You: Sounds important!
Stranger: its important indeed
Stranger: just a moment please.. (phonecall)
You: Ooh, i feel important just being allowed to talk to you! =p
Stranger: im just a normal boy
Stranger: dont be afraid :P
You: Okay; deep breaths. Deep breaths..

Stranger: ...this service is rather unnerving
You: Because you are talking to a person you know absolutely nothing about?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: and the miniscule chance that you're actually Randall Munroe
Stranger: who just linked to this site
Stranger: Come to think of it
You: Well i will tell you now; i am in fact a 67 year old fat man with a beard. I was hoping to find a naive hot girl who i could seduce and then meet up with in a private place.
Stranger: Uh huh.
You: (That was a joke; in case you didn't get that...)
Stranger: And such the internet came to its completion
Stranger: Yes, thank you
Stranger: I'm actually an international supermodel who really has a thing for old fat men, but oh well

Stranger: This is rather like a Turing test
You: Am i dumb for not know what a turing test is?
Stranger: no
Stranger: A Turing test is a system for figuring out if a computer is sentient or not
Stranger: The setup usually has a person communicating through some kind of IM with either a human or a compute ron the other end.
Stranger: If the person believes that the computer is actually alive, then that computer passes the Turing test, and it is accepted as sentient
You: Well you learn something new everyday.
Stranger: yep
Stranger: That's exactly what a compute rwould say!
You: Oh no, you've caught me!
Stranger: Aha!
You: I mean; er. I am not a computer.
Stranger: Sure you're not.
You: I am not.
Stranger: Fine, whatever you say
Stranger: So, how are your diodes?
You: Sexy.
Stranger: Uh huh.

Stranger: how many people start debating religion or aborton or somethin
Stranger: god is a lie
You: No he is not. God is truth.
Stranger: Wait, Andrew? From mormon.org? I chatted with you on the Chat Live with a
Stranger: Mormon site!
You: No. My name is Parnell.
You: Parnell... Perkins.
You: The IV
Stranger: Nice.
Stranger: So
You: So
Stranger: how about this economy, eh?
You: I blame the aliens!
Stranger: Not a bad idea.
Stranger: Blame Canada!
Stranger: Blame Canada!
You: Damn Canada.
Stranger: My feelings exactly.
You: Damn canada with their.. what does canada have?
Stranger: snow
Stranger: moose
Stranger: hockey
Stranger: maple syrup
Stranger: french people
You: With their snow mooses playing hockey with frnech people eating maple syrup.
You: Ruined with economy!
Stranger: Yep.
Stranger: I mean, really: we all know French people can't manage money
You: But they do a nice moustache.

Maybe you will not find them as amazing as I did, but you totally hadto be there!

So if you are an omegle virgin; go lose your virginity. =) (Of the omegle kind, I'm not suggusting sexual intercourse)
But i want you to watch this first; CLICK ME
(And in the song replace 'Nerimon' Emma =p)


x x x

And all girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy.

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