Wednesday 16 September 2009

I suck

So, I said I would do all of those things in the previous post. It's not going so well.


I'm eating a salad and a piece of fruit for lunch everyday and shall continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, I snack. Too much. I need to stop doing that. :(


Neither of my gym buddies have expressed much of an interest to go back to the gym and walking there on my own and then walking to the bus stop on my own seems a bit boring... Also, for the gym I need money. This I do not have.


I'm actually getting better at this, have been ahead on all my homework except the piece of chemistry I was doing at 11.00 last night because I'd forgotten about it (but; to be fair I had only been given it that day. It's not like I forgot it for a whole week!)


I'm actually doing well here. Something that previously pissed me off hellishly I can now be calm about. Totally zen about that. Still have bitchy thoughts but that's because I'm a girl and we do that. Did get annoyed at a party at the weekend but only for a while because then I had to look after the drunken host. Also, I've found myself being really happy lately. I was thinking about how nice my hair's been lately, then started thinking about how, compared to some*, I actually have kinda nice skin.

[*That's not supposed to be rude, I'm just being postive here. :)]

But hey, I'm still just a kid; I'm a work in progress. I'm just going improve myself one step at a time.

But I do kinda suck. I'll try to get better,


x x x

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