Wednesday 23 September 2009

I type this with with no J key

The laptops of my school are a little bit rubbish. Someone has picked the J key off. But obviously, as I am typing the letter J, I can still type it. Not that the letter J comes up much. Until now I'm am typing about it...

Swiftly moving on.

On Saturday I had an interesting conversation with my mother and the future and shizzle. We were talking about A Levels and not choosing too many 'soft subjects' and how good of a university I should go to or what to go to and would able to go to. My mother, like the rest of the world, is under the impression I'm some sort of super genius who will go off to Cambridge or Oxford and do amazingly and spend the rest of my life being rick from my amazing job and reading clever books.

I, however, am a bit more realist.

Just because I'm am predicted all As for GCSE doesn't mean I'm going to. Just because I did well on the CATs and SATs* doesn't mean I'm going to do well. Just gives an indications. But who knows, apparently I'm doing well in my subjects; except art. But I will not go into that until I am in ranting mood. And today I am happy. I have a cough, cold and eye thing but I am having a good day today so I shall continue with the happy. Maybe tomorrow I will be sad about the sore eye and stupid voice but now I'm okay.

Although I'm tired.

And I don't get home 'til midnightish tonight; and i left my house this morning at 8.10. Long day. :(

But it's all in the name of education; I'm going to see An Inspector Calls at the theatre as that's an exam text.

It's now time to do work; see you on the other side.

Love and happiness

x x x

[*exams taken in age 12 and 13]

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