Thursday 3 September 2009

As of Monday...

On Monday 7th I go back to school. Only a few days. Gah. But positivity, please. You know how people make New Year resolutions? I shall. New school year resolutions.

I am going to eat better. I shan't say how many calories a day I eat or whatever because I will not remember to count them all. Just eat better; more salads, more water and less crap.
I have two hours of gymnastics each week but that is not enough. I shall start going to the gym again and work out at home more.
I WILL be more organised; I say this all the time but I will! Homework should not be done the night before its due in. Piano practise is occur frequently, half an hour a day. At least. I will remember to do these things as well as tidying my room and cleaning the office weekly.
I am going to be more happy. Not let those stupid little things bug me. There are many positive things in my life and shall focus on them whenever I get inexplicably annoyed.

All things I shall start on Monday. If I improve on all four aspects I shall be healthier, fitter, thinner, more organised, better in my mother's eyes and happier. And I would quite like this.

I'm hoping that by writing it here I will actually do it. We'll see. :)

I have had a handful of jelly beans and many negative thoughts in the small amount of time from writing that^ and writing this sentence. Meh. It's starts Monday, 'kay?

Jesus, I need to sleep soon. It's only five past ten but i didn't sleep well last night; wasn't in bed 'til one. Then was woken up by my door opening and closing and the wind and rain at various ungodly hours. And this morning was one of the rare occasions I actually had to get up a certain time. That time being 8.

Gah, started thinking bitchy thoughts.

Goodnight blogger, sweet zombieless dreams*.

x x x

[*Last night I had a dream about zombies.]

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