Thursday 17 September 2009

I'm a wuss.

Today I had my HPV (cervical cancer) injection. I'm not scared of needles, I am however not very fond at all of pain. This, I feel, is rational. I wasn't scared about the jab but I wasn't looking forward to the pain. Earlier this year I had an injection and it hurt for the next few days, I was not too happy to receive a repeat performance.

So, today I was called to the textiles room (the only big room free; CATs were going on in the hall) after art. I waited outside and we talked about how nervous we are; some more than others. I went into the room, gave her my form and then had to tell her my name, date of birth, name, address and who signed my form (I'm not sure why, just to check it's really me?). She then ran through some questions, do I feel okay today, did I eat breakfast, am I on any medication, have I had any injections in the past four weeks, and I planning on having any in the next four week, thing like that. Besides last year when I had low blood pressure I was all good. She talked a little then stuck the needle in me. It hurt. Not too much but it did hurt. She then pressed it with a cotton ball and stuck a plaster on it. She is asked if I was alright. I'm fine, I reply.

Then I starting seeing little black spots.

I said I was feeling a little dizzy, she made me sit back in my chair.

My peripheral version went, then it all slowly went back.

The next thing I saw was the ceiling and two woman kneeling over me, one holding up my legs. Upon further inspection I saw that my shoe was on all funny. Still not sure why. I wasn't out for very long and they straight away made me drink water and eat a glucose tablet (which was awesome, like a big orange pez!).

I'm not dizzy anymore, but it hurts. I'm being a wuss but it HURTS. I can't really move my left arm otherwise the world will hear me scream in pain and I am getting random pains on my left side.

The good news? I have two more HPV injections to go. Great.

Yours painfully,
x x x

P.S. Msn? Not impressed.

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