Friday 17 July 2009

Where's my summer?

Remember me blogging about loving summer and how hot it was and how I was melting? Now; not so much.

I am aware that Brits, as a nation, can be pretty silly. (I mean we apparently consider the BNP as genuine future leaders...*) But honestly, can we misplace the sun? Apparently so.
I broke up for summer holidays today, six week of sun right? Nope. If I look at the window now I can see grey clouds and the rain that was pouring down an hour ago. It's, quite frankly, miserable outside. This is apost ta be summer, Mr. Weather Man. I can haz sun plz?


Okay; it's now almost a week later because I suck at blog writing. I can actually say SUMMER IS BACK. Maybe. I'm not sure. We've had two glorious days of fun in the sun and hopefully *touch wood* it'll stay.

So yeah, I'm going to stop talking about the weather now before it like starts a-stormin'.

Good evening and summer to you all,

x x x

*Don't start a political argument with me about the greatness of the BNP, unless you can guarantee I will not have heard it before.

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