Saturday 25 July 2009

Likes and dislikes

There are a lot of things I don't like;
I don't like people being a bitch for things I didn't do
I don't like people telling what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling it (unless I ask you as a doctor or psychiatrist)
I don't like being ignored
I don't like the wind and rain visiting on the days I decide to wear a skirt
I don't like that I'm unmotivated
I don't like that you can be a bitch and a hoebag and you still get your way
I don't like that things break so easily
I don't like that I cry so easily

But there are a lot of things I do like;
I like how the sun is returning to us; we have summer
I like that when I'm upset I have so many people to turn to
I like that me and my boyfriend can bitch about the same things
I like that even when I fall right on my arse my sometimes coach just laughs it up
I like I have lots of opportunities
I like it when I TAKE those opportunities
I like simple things like sun glasses and suncream and holding hands makes me happy

So yeah, this started as me being whiny but I think I'll pulled it around. :)

Be happy,

x x x

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