Thursday 2 July 2009

You know it's hot...

... when the village shop has to take all the chocolate of the shelves

and move it all the fridge.

Just to stop the sale of liquids that should really be solids.

Quick question; when do we move the Emma into the fridge to stop me being a liqud when I should really be fairly solid? Seriously; I think I'm going to melt.

Can I live in here, please?

Basically it's SO hot right now. The kind of weather in which you don't even care about how effing dirty the river is you want to stay in it for hours and ever. Serious, dirt and disease can kiss my whatever as long as I can (girlily, I should add) jump off that sexy iron bridge into the cool depths below. Ah, wish I'd been there today. But when you live in a stupid little village like I do and all ma amigos live not here - is differecult to escape to river swimming and general good times.

Uh, I thought I was going to see my boyfriend today. But I didn't.

Today I was, however, hit on by eleven years. At least I have options...

Still loving summer I swear,

x x x

PS Is it sad that today when I made a cake i found it rather amusing that the electric whisk made an E in the batter?

I'm cool. :)

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