Friday 17 July 2009

Messy Room

Any one who knows me in any way can probably tell I'm a bit weird. Like, I don't have problems I'm just a bit odd.

For example this week I decided I am going to tidy my boyfriend's room this summer; like a proper blitz. However my room at home is a complete STATE. I mean, I have to tidy my floor every monday night for the cleaner woman (that always sounds posh...) but the often just means I pile everything up on my desk.

I have a habit of straightening up everyone's ties and collars at school, I cannot stand when piles of things (books for example) are not straight and if left alone my boyfriend's bedroom I tend to try and straighten it up a bit.* But in my own house I don't like tidying much. Some days I have cleaning urges, I straighten up the living room and study, organise the bathroom and clean the kitchen. But most of the time it's like my room puked over the rest of the house; I just leave stuff everywhere.

And my room. Even when it's tidy it's messy. It's very... cluttered. Even the walls are cluttered with photos and cinema tickets and train tickets and other such obects. And I have two shelves of... well... clutter. All things that have little purpose but I can't bring myself to throw away.

Although most of the time it looks messy because it's messy.

Even my walls are cluttered...

So if you ever happen to appear in my bedroom, don't expect to see the capet. :)
Love & stuff
x x x

*I'm making it sound like Liam lives in a pit of mess and junk. Not really, it's just not tidy most of the time.

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