Thursday 23 July 2009

The Fair

I think it's fair to say I can be pretty grown up. For example, when my parents went away for a weekend instead of having a big party or whatever I cleaned the house. I think I can be a responsible young adult who makes well informed decisions and thinks of the consequences of her actions. However, it is also fair to say that I can a little kid some times.

One thing that makes me a little kid; THE FAIR.

Yesterday I went to the fun fair and it was awesome. We went of the Twister twice and the Waltzers*. James kept getting excited which made ME excited. I shouted enthusiastically and skipped and twirled towards the rides. I now have a bruised hip from being smooshed against the side of my seat, with two girls (albeit two very light girls) being squashed against me but it was totally worth it.

We ate ice lollies in the sun and then went to the park. It was a modern park with interesting spinning and climby things. It was full of like eight year olds but it was fun all the same.

Then we went and stood in the band stand just because we could. And played hide and seek which was amazing; it was a great place for it. Even if we missed the bus we were gunna get because we were having so much fun.

The Amanda got to feel grown up by using her card to buy drinks, even if it got rejected... Hehe. And we all ate ice; it's hard to talk with an ice cube in your mouth - try it.

And there was a bit of geese chasing, but that's not important.

It was a wonderful day and I had a lot of fun, thanks guys. :)

I love being childish.

x x x

*Next time YOU go to a fair, if you have a camera, video yourself / your surroundings while on rides. You may get some awesome footage, just don't, like, drop the camera.

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