Friday 25 September 2009

An Inspector Calls.

So, on Wednesday night I went, with my school, to go see An Inspector Calls at the Novello Theatre in London.

Let me just say, I love the theatre. It's all so pretty and dramatic. Also, the only times I ever go is to musicals with my Nanna, which is always so much fun, and to see my cousins in things and that is amazing; seeing these two people I celebrated the millennium with up on stage, being completely different people. It's awesome.

I also love the play, most people hate the texts they have to read for exams but I ended up reading the whole thing while we were only half way through in class because it was so interesting. So I was really looking forward to it.

Possibly the most dramatic thing happened before we were anywhere near the theatre, funnily enough. We got to the other campus of our school* and they realised that one of the girls from my site wasn't on any of the lists the teachers had. She didn't have a ticket. What happened was that she had put her name down, and paid but after the date. So they hadn't got her a ticket and the money had been refunded. She was not told this. But we carried on towards the motorway, the teachers on the phone trying to sort something out for her. We get to the junction and the coach in front turns onto the motorway. We go around the roundabout. We were going back to school. Twenty minutes later we're back, sat in the school car park trying to work out who this girl's mother is shouting at.

But they managed to get her a ticket and it's all okay.

One of my friends managed to pwn one of the teachers with us by counting Starbucks; he said 'I don't think this is quite the target market for Starbucks'

Que Starbucks to appear in his window. Oh, the hilarity.

The play itself; loved it. It was very dramatics but it was a piece of drama so... hehe. Shelia annoyed me at the beginning but she's supposed to be this silly little girl so that was just because the actress (Marianne Oldham) was good. Mrs. Birling (Sandra Duncan) was hilarious, I'm pretty sure she was supposed to be. I hope she was. I wasn't too keen on the inspector to be honest, that may have been the way the director (Stephen Daldry) saw him but that wasn't my inspector. There was also these creepy little kids and a lot of random people that had nothing to do with the book's story line. But it was really good.

I told my boyfriend that when we grow up we're going to go to the theatre a lot** and he said okay. So all my money shall go to theatre tickets, woo! Well, there' much worse addictions! Hehe.

Bien a toi,
x x x

[*We're spilt into two campuses because the original one wasn't big enough for all the students
** In the same way we plan our wedding, name our children etc. We're not nessicarily serious.]

Wednesday 23 September 2009

I type this with with no J key

The laptops of my school are a little bit rubbish. Someone has picked the J key off. But obviously, as I am typing the letter J, I can still type it. Not that the letter J comes up much. Until now I'm am typing about it...

Swiftly moving on.

On Saturday I had an interesting conversation with my mother and the future and shizzle. We were talking about A Levels and not choosing too many 'soft subjects' and how good of a university I should go to or what to go to and would able to go to. My mother, like the rest of the world, is under the impression I'm some sort of super genius who will go off to Cambridge or Oxford and do amazingly and spend the rest of my life being rick from my amazing job and reading clever books.

I, however, am a bit more realist.

Just because I'm am predicted all As for GCSE doesn't mean I'm going to. Just because I did well on the CATs and SATs* doesn't mean I'm going to do well. Just gives an indications. But who knows, apparently I'm doing well in my subjects; except art. But I will not go into that until I am in ranting mood. And today I am happy. I have a cough, cold and eye thing but I am having a good day today so I shall continue with the happy. Maybe tomorrow I will be sad about the sore eye and stupid voice but now I'm okay.

Although I'm tired.

And I don't get home 'til midnightish tonight; and i left my house this morning at 8.10. Long day. :(

But it's all in the name of education; I'm going to see An Inspector Calls at the theatre as that's an exam text.

It's now time to do work; see you on the other side.

Love and happiness

x x x

[*exams taken in age 12 and 13]

Thursday 17 September 2009

I'm a wuss.

Today I had my HPV (cervical cancer) injection. I'm not scared of needles, I am however not very fond at all of pain. This, I feel, is rational. I wasn't scared about the jab but I wasn't looking forward to the pain. Earlier this year I had an injection and it hurt for the next few days, I was not too happy to receive a repeat performance.

So, today I was called to the textiles room (the only big room free; CATs were going on in the hall) after art. I waited outside and we talked about how nervous we are; some more than others. I went into the room, gave her my form and then had to tell her my name, date of birth, name, address and who signed my form (I'm not sure why, just to check it's really me?). She then ran through some questions, do I feel okay today, did I eat breakfast, am I on any medication, have I had any injections in the past four weeks, and I planning on having any in the next four week, thing like that. Besides last year when I had low blood pressure I was all good. She talked a little then stuck the needle in me. It hurt. Not too much but it did hurt. She then pressed it with a cotton ball and stuck a plaster on it. She is asked if I was alright. I'm fine, I reply.

Then I starting seeing little black spots.

I said I was feeling a little dizzy, she made me sit back in my chair.

My peripheral version went, then it all slowly went back.

The next thing I saw was the ceiling and two woman kneeling over me, one holding up my legs. Upon further inspection I saw that my shoe was on all funny. Still not sure why. I wasn't out for very long and they straight away made me drink water and eat a glucose tablet (which was awesome, like a big orange pez!).

I'm not dizzy anymore, but it hurts. I'm being a wuss but it HURTS. I can't really move my left arm otherwise the world will hear me scream in pain and I am getting random pains on my left side.

The good news? I have two more HPV injections to go. Great.

Yours painfully,
x x x

P.S. Msn? Not impressed.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

I suck

So, I said I would do all of those things in the previous post. It's not going so well.


I'm eating a salad and a piece of fruit for lunch everyday and shall continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, I snack. Too much. I need to stop doing that. :(


Neither of my gym buddies have expressed much of an interest to go back to the gym and walking there on my own and then walking to the bus stop on my own seems a bit boring... Also, for the gym I need money. This I do not have.


I'm actually getting better at this, have been ahead on all my homework except the piece of chemistry I was doing at 11.00 last night because I'd forgotten about it (but; to be fair I had only been given it that day. It's not like I forgot it for a whole week!)


I'm actually doing well here. Something that previously pissed me off hellishly I can now be calm about. Totally zen about that. Still have bitchy thoughts but that's because I'm a girl and we do that. Did get annoyed at a party at the weekend but only for a while because then I had to look after the drunken host. Also, I've found myself being really happy lately. I was thinking about how nice my hair's been lately, then started thinking about how, compared to some*, I actually have kinda nice skin.

[*That's not supposed to be rude, I'm just being postive here. :)]

But hey, I'm still just a kid; I'm a work in progress. I'm just going improve myself one step at a time.

But I do kinda suck. I'll try to get better,


x x x

Thursday 3 September 2009

As of Monday...

On Monday 7th I go back to school. Only a few days. Gah. But positivity, please. You know how people make New Year resolutions? I shall. New school year resolutions.

I am going to eat better. I shan't say how many calories a day I eat or whatever because I will not remember to count them all. Just eat better; more salads, more water and less crap.
I have two hours of gymnastics each week but that is not enough. I shall start going to the gym again and work out at home more.
I WILL be more organised; I say this all the time but I will! Homework should not be done the night before its due in. Piano practise is occur frequently, half an hour a day. At least. I will remember to do these things as well as tidying my room and cleaning the office weekly.
I am going to be more happy. Not let those stupid little things bug me. There are many positive things in my life and shall focus on them whenever I get inexplicably annoyed.

All things I shall start on Monday. If I improve on all four aspects I shall be healthier, fitter, thinner, more organised, better in my mother's eyes and happier. And I would quite like this.

I'm hoping that by writing it here I will actually do it. We'll see. :)

I have had a handful of jelly beans and many negative thoughts in the small amount of time from writing that^ and writing this sentence. Meh. It's starts Monday, 'kay?

Jesus, I need to sleep soon. It's only five past ten but i didn't sleep well last night; wasn't in bed 'til one. Then was woken up by my door opening and closing and the wind and rain at various ungodly hours. And this morning was one of the rare occasions I actually had to get up a certain time. That time being 8.

Gah, started thinking bitchy thoughts.

Goodnight blogger, sweet zombieless dreams*.

x x x

[*Last night I had a dream about zombies.]