Saturday 25 July 2009

Likes and dislikes

There are a lot of things I don't like;
I don't like people being a bitch for things I didn't do
I don't like people telling what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling it (unless I ask you as a doctor or psychiatrist)
I don't like being ignored
I don't like the wind and rain visiting on the days I decide to wear a skirt
I don't like that I'm unmotivated
I don't like that you can be a bitch and a hoebag and you still get your way
I don't like that things break so easily
I don't like that I cry so easily

But there are a lot of things I do like;
I like how the sun is returning to us; we have summer
I like that when I'm upset I have so many people to turn to
I like that me and my boyfriend can bitch about the same things
I like that even when I fall right on my arse my sometimes coach just laughs it up
I like I have lots of opportunities
I like it when I TAKE those opportunities
I like simple things like sun glasses and suncream and holding hands makes me happy

So yeah, this started as me being whiny but I think I'll pulled it around. :)

Be happy,

x x x

Thursday 23 July 2009

The Fair

I think it's fair to say I can be pretty grown up. For example, when my parents went away for a weekend instead of having a big party or whatever I cleaned the house. I think I can be a responsible young adult who makes well informed decisions and thinks of the consequences of her actions. However, it is also fair to say that I can a little kid some times.

One thing that makes me a little kid; THE FAIR.

Yesterday I went to the fun fair and it was awesome. We went of the Twister twice and the Waltzers*. James kept getting excited which made ME excited. I shouted enthusiastically and skipped and twirled towards the rides. I now have a bruised hip from being smooshed against the side of my seat, with two girls (albeit two very light girls) being squashed against me but it was totally worth it.

We ate ice lollies in the sun and then went to the park. It was a modern park with interesting spinning and climby things. It was full of like eight year olds but it was fun all the same.

Then we went and stood in the band stand just because we could. And played hide and seek which was amazing; it was a great place for it. Even if we missed the bus we were gunna get because we were having so much fun.

The Amanda got to feel grown up by using her card to buy drinks, even if it got rejected... Hehe. And we all ate ice; it's hard to talk with an ice cube in your mouth - try it.

And there was a bit of geese chasing, but that's not important.

It was a wonderful day and I had a lot of fun, thanks guys. :)

I love being childish.

x x x

*Next time YOU go to a fair, if you have a camera, video yourself / your surroundings while on rides. You may get some awesome footage, just don't, like, drop the camera.

Friday 17 July 2009

Where's my summer?

Remember me blogging about loving summer and how hot it was and how I was melting? Now; not so much.

I am aware that Brits, as a nation, can be pretty silly. (I mean we apparently consider the BNP as genuine future leaders...*) But honestly, can we misplace the sun? Apparently so.
I broke up for summer holidays today, six week of sun right? Nope. If I look at the window now I can see grey clouds and the rain that was pouring down an hour ago. It's, quite frankly, miserable outside. This is apost ta be summer, Mr. Weather Man. I can haz sun plz?


Okay; it's now almost a week later because I suck at blog writing. I can actually say SUMMER IS BACK. Maybe. I'm not sure. We've had two glorious days of fun in the sun and hopefully *touch wood* it'll stay.

So yeah, I'm going to stop talking about the weather now before it like starts a-stormin'.

Good evening and summer to you all,

x x x

*Don't start a political argument with me about the greatness of the BNP, unless you can guarantee I will not have heard it before.

Messy Room

Any one who knows me in any way can probably tell I'm a bit weird. Like, I don't have problems I'm just a bit odd.

For example this week I decided I am going to tidy my boyfriend's room this summer; like a proper blitz. However my room at home is a complete STATE. I mean, I have to tidy my floor every monday night for the cleaner woman (that always sounds posh...) but the often just means I pile everything up on my desk.

I have a habit of straightening up everyone's ties and collars at school, I cannot stand when piles of things (books for example) are not straight and if left alone my boyfriend's bedroom I tend to try and straighten it up a bit.* But in my own house I don't like tidying much. Some days I have cleaning urges, I straighten up the living room and study, organise the bathroom and clean the kitchen. But most of the time it's like my room puked over the rest of the house; I just leave stuff everywhere.

And my room. Even when it's tidy it's messy. It's very... cluttered. Even the walls are cluttered with photos and cinema tickets and train tickets and other such obects. And I have two shelves of... well... clutter. All things that have little purpose but I can't bring myself to throw away.

Although most of the time it looks messy because it's messy.

Even my walls are cluttered...

So if you ever happen to appear in my bedroom, don't expect to see the capet. :)
Love & stuff
x x x

*I'm making it sound like Liam lives in a pit of mess and junk. Not really, it's just not tidy most of the time.

Thursday 2 July 2009

You know it's hot...

... when the village shop has to take all the chocolate of the shelves

and move it all the fridge.

Just to stop the sale of liquids that should really be solids.

Quick question; when do we move the Emma into the fridge to stop me being a liqud when I should really be fairly solid? Seriously; I think I'm going to melt.

Can I live in here, please?

Basically it's SO hot right now. The kind of weather in which you don't even care about how effing dirty the river is you want to stay in it for hours and ever. Serious, dirt and disease can kiss my whatever as long as I can (girlily, I should add) jump off that sexy iron bridge into the cool depths below. Ah, wish I'd been there today. But when you live in a stupid little village like I do and all ma amigos live not here - is differecult to escape to river swimming and general good times.

Uh, I thought I was going to see my boyfriend today. But I didn't.

Today I was, however, hit on by eleven years. At least I have options...

Still loving summer I swear,

x x x

PS Is it sad that today when I made a cake i found it rather amusing that the electric whisk made an E in the batter?

I'm cool. :)