Sunday 26 April 2009


This weekend I went to Cardiff. Haven't been to Cardiff? You should go; it's lovely! My sister is there at the university and this weekend was a trip to see her; and a slight geek-fest. Let's start with the geek-fest, shall we?

Me and the wonderful Sophie went around Cardiff clutching the map that we had found HERE. It showed us, for example where Owen went to reflect on his life. (I've just realised that this was one i didn't go with Sophie to find; i saw this when i was with my family; but it's the first one that popped into my head so...)

We had a wonderful few hours, even if we did get a little lost and didn't visit all the 27 places. I love Sophie and being nerdy with her. <3>

Sophie then went back to Englandland and I stayed with my sisters, aunt, uncle and cousin. They are a cool bunch of people to hang out with, let me tell you! We went for a nice meal and then we (minus auntie and the babe...) went and watched the football in a pub (...noisy pubs full of shouting fans not fun for a little baby). Okay, let me just step back and tell you something; I don't watch football in pubs. There was a moment when I had a sip of my sister cider and just thought; what the hell? It was a bit funny.

After the football (man u 5 spurs 2 ; my uncle not so happy) we went for a meal. When we were seated and had just been given menus my uncle was about to complain about how dirty the menus were. And then he realised that they weren't dirty; it was part of the design!

'You can't take me anywhere; not even Nandos!'

He also shared a few words of wisdom with us; 'The rest way to get over someone - get under someone else!' and this little nugget from Fraiser;

Martin: So you can let it eat a hole in your stomach or you can just file it away under the heading "Sometimes life sucks."

Fraiser: Yeah, well, that file's getting pretty thick!

I love my uncle.

Going home after the meal didn't seem like fun, so we went to their hotel (The Hilton, thank you very much) for a few drinks. And while on the subject of drinking there; lets talk about peeing there. They do not make it easy for you! I mean, it's not like the toilets move while your sat on them, to make you fall off, bucking bronco style; it's just a bit of a maze to get there. Picture this; you are sat in the bar and you need the toilet; you come out of the bar, walk across a hallway, go through a door, and a another, go down a flight of stairs, through another door and then two more! Maybe they just don't want to have to fold the toilet paper into triangles too many times a day;

The next four hours are giggles, serious discussions and many 'it's a secret but...'s washed down with cokes and wine. Speaking of coke; here a story for you.

An A-level history class, a girl and her friend are talking about summer ball as she is putting in a lot of effort organizing it. The friend asks how much tickets are, £30 she replied. At this point another girl sitting a row ahead, who hates the first girl for no reason, pipes up. '£30? Seriously? That's well expensive. You seriously except people to pay for that?' I would like you, for a moment, to consider; venue, food, decorations, entertainment, raffles etc. £30 is not unreasonable. The teacher at this point turns around to the whiny girl and says (with a little bit of venom) 'Well, that wouldn't be a problem if we didn't spend all our money on coke (talking about the drug now here, just in case you were unsure) now, would it?' This teacher is great, we love a bit of Mr. W.

Upon leaving, a drunken man screamed at us 'You girls have been drinking in the Hilton; that's well expensive.' It was odd. But that's the city, baby!

Now fast forward through the sleeping on the floor, the morning after feeling and skip to me and family on a train. Where to?

If you don't know nuffink about Gavin and Stacy this may not amuse you. But yeah. I went there. It's a bit rubbish. Especially in the rain. But good times. ;)

While in Barry we found something new my cousin can do. We feed her her baby food (vegetable lasagna goop; yummy) and then she sneezes; spitting food everywhere. Very funny and cute. Babies never cease to amuse.

Okay; I think I shall leave it there. I have gone on about my Caerdydd (that's welsh, oh yes) adventures. Good morningdayevening
x x x

Things I noted down throughout the weekend that I can't be bothered to slip in and will just quote;
'Shall we just separate the balls, make it easy on her?' ; now in a game of pool, that's not funny. But when you consider the innuendo...
'But you say thank you a gift, I always will. Even if it's a book on cricket; you say thank you!'
'We weren't at it like rabbits.. But we were kind of...'
'At it like rabbits?'

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Talk to strangers. :)

Raise your hand if you have heard of Omegle.

(I really hope you just actually raised your hand if you did, if not I'm sad. Go on, raise your hand. Just a little. There you go. This is obviously irrelevant if you have not heard of it.)

The tag line of omegle is 'talk to strangers' essentially what's what you do. The computer puts you in a conversation with a total stranger, you don't have any screen name or anything. The person knows only what you choose to tell them. Some people (my sister for example; we had an argument about it) think this website is weird and unsafe. The following reason are why this is not true;
  • As I said before; you tell them what you want to. Your fault if you give them your full name, school / work , mothers maiden name and date of birth. I, however, will say only the country I am from, my age, my gender and possibly my name if asked. It would take a genius / an obsessive to find me from THAT. I never give my full name, email address (ha; as i typed that someone asked for it) or any other personal information. I'm not stupid!
  • There are much better websites from trying to perv on people. Myspace or Facebook for example; you get so much more information off those! (Gosh; this is going to turn into How to use the Internet to Perv)
  • People from all over the world use it, the likelihood of talking to someone whom would not find it very expensive to stalk me is slim. The closest anyone has come to living near me lives several hours away (he told me where he lived, silly billy; i could be a pervy old man, I didn't tell him).
  • If what the person is saying offends / bores you; just disconnect the conversation. Someone (with a 7 inch penis I have been led to believe...) asked something about my genitalia so I just gave a sarcastic answer and disconnected. Can you tell I'm very grown up? =p
I personally am in love with this site, I enjoy all the amazing conversations I am having with random strangers. For example none of my friends start conversations with;
u lost the game
A Swedish pal from this site also told me it's a good way to improve your English, assuming you do not speak it as your first language of course.

There's just something really fun about having a conversation with a person you know you will never speak to again (unless you are my friend Susan, who was in the same conversation 3 times in a row by some weird incident). I have totally random conversations with people and I thoroughly enjoy the not knowing anything about them, there is no prejudice or preconceptions just a lovely conversation about whatever takes your fancy.

But, of course, you need to get a good person; not someone who is going to ask if you can email them a picture of yourself.

Here are a few snippets of my favourite conversations;

Stranger: i have a question
You: Ask away
Stranger: do u know the muffin man
You: The muffin man? Who lives on dury lane?
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: yes
Stranger: well
Stranger: shes married to the muffin man'
You: She's married to the muffin man!?
Stranger: BUT OF COURSE!
Stranger: its been about a year now

You: So.. what is work for you?
Stranger: working at the government
You: Ooh.
You: Sounds important!
Stranger: its important indeed
Stranger: just a moment please.. (phonecall)
You: Ooh, i feel important just being allowed to talk to you! =p
Stranger: im just a normal boy
Stranger: dont be afraid :P
You: Okay; deep breaths. Deep breaths..

Stranger: ...this service is rather unnerving
You: Because you are talking to a person you know absolutely nothing about?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: and the miniscule chance that you're actually Randall Munroe
Stranger: who just linked to this site
Stranger: Come to think of it
You: Well i will tell you now; i am in fact a 67 year old fat man with a beard. I was hoping to find a naive hot girl who i could seduce and then meet up with in a private place.
Stranger: Uh huh.
You: (That was a joke; in case you didn't get that...)
Stranger: And such the internet came to its completion
Stranger: Yes, thank you
Stranger: I'm actually an international supermodel who really has a thing for old fat men, but oh well

Stranger: This is rather like a Turing test
You: Am i dumb for not know what a turing test is?
Stranger: no
Stranger: A Turing test is a system for figuring out if a computer is sentient or not
Stranger: The setup usually has a person communicating through some kind of IM with either a human or a compute ron the other end.
Stranger: If the person believes that the computer is actually alive, then that computer passes the Turing test, and it is accepted as sentient
You: Well you learn something new everyday.
Stranger: yep
Stranger: That's exactly what a compute rwould say!
You: Oh no, you've caught me!
Stranger: Aha!
You: I mean; er. I am not a computer.
Stranger: Sure you're not.
You: I am not.
Stranger: Fine, whatever you say
Stranger: So, how are your diodes?
You: Sexy.
Stranger: Uh huh.

Stranger: how many people start debating religion or aborton or somethin
Stranger: god is a lie
You: No he is not. God is truth.
Stranger: Wait, Andrew? From I chatted with you on the Chat Live with a
Stranger: Mormon site!
You: No. My name is Parnell.
You: Parnell... Perkins.
You: The IV
Stranger: Nice.
Stranger: So
You: So
Stranger: how about this economy, eh?
You: I blame the aliens!
Stranger: Not a bad idea.
Stranger: Blame Canada!
Stranger: Blame Canada!
You: Damn Canada.
Stranger: My feelings exactly.
You: Damn canada with their.. what does canada have?
Stranger: snow
Stranger: moose
Stranger: hockey
Stranger: maple syrup
Stranger: french people
You: With their snow mooses playing hockey with frnech people eating maple syrup.
You: Ruined with economy!
Stranger: Yep.
Stranger: I mean, really: we all know French people can't manage money
You: But they do a nice moustache.

Maybe you will not find them as amazing as I did, but you totally hadto be there!

So if you are an omegle virgin; go lose your virginity. =) (Of the omegle kind, I'm not suggusting sexual intercourse)
But i want you to watch this first; CLICK ME
(And in the song replace 'Nerimon' Emma =p)


x x x

And all girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy.

Sunday 19 April 2009

Science Revison

I have decided that doing triple science (for those who don't know; triple science is the hardest level of science you can do at GCSE level) may be worth all the brain ache. Why I hear you scream (well, no I don't..)? Is it because of all the smart people stuff I will learn and could have practical use in the really world, like changing a plug? Nope. Is it because it looks good on a CV and will help me get into a good uni? Nope. It's because I have lots of revision books that try to be funny. And they almost are. Here is a few examples from the back of the books (there's more 'jokes' inside the books);

Okay, they aren't hilarious but I am in a incredibly bad mood; i was going to let anything cheer me up. These silly little jokes are all I have stopping me from being sad again. (How pathetic)
Anyways: I'm not trying to sell these books I swear, unless the CGP people want to pay me to advertise them, which I'm totally okay with! Hehe.
I shall go back to doing homework now; I'm back at school tomorrow after two weeks. GAH! No more lie ins and lazy days.
Hope y'all are enjoying the sun (assuming you have sun), I sure am.
x x x

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Gunna shank you up, mate.

You know how there are people in the world who talk about certain situations, such as a fight, and will discuss how such a sitiuation how happen and end and will even imagine the conversations that would take place. This is me and my friends.

And you know how some people will then actually make it happen. Will have the fight as talked about and will actually do something about that thet've been bitching about. This is not me and my friends.

Yesterday was the day of the big not fight. Okay, just a quick back story there is this girl (Let's call her C) who would rather like to beat up two of my friends, one (Let's call him B) because he makes fun of her brother (well, he says his name in a stupid way...) and the other (Let's call him J) for no reason. Yesterday another of my friends left his bag somewhere, and when a couple of people went to look for it it had been taken. By C and her friends, they then gave back the bag after (very childishly) putting a half eaten sausage in it and taking something. His Nerf.

This is a Nerf.
Long story short we then tried to track down who had the Nerf and C and a smaller posse had run away. We could not. There was no fight. There was simply shouting from the group of chavs that claimed to not have it after we were at a safe distance. And we thought we were the cowards..?
So; no fight. No Nerf. Just a childish group of chavs who think they are amazing because they smoke. Yay for lung disease, cardiovascular disease, about 6 cancers and all that other shit you will have to deal with to look cool! (Did I mention I am against smoking?)
Oh, did i mention my passionate dislike for one of them? Let's call her S. I could quite happily punch her in the faceif violence was the answer. In fact I'm on not going even get started on S. Just thinking about that fat, skanky haired, attention whore makes me angry. I'm making myself sound like a bitch, huh? You would be too if you met her.
Prehaps something more exciting might happen today; but I won't know because the sun maybe shining baby but I'm going to go sit in a dark room for an hour and a half -ish. Meaning: I'm going to the cinema. Well for all I know while I sit here there could be a ma-hoo-sive fight taking place and I am just typing away blissfully unaware. But I don't think so.

In other news I think DailyBooth is mocking me. I'm sure I keep following people and then I realise that I am not following them when I realise their face has not appeared on the dashboard... Ever. Lately I have followed three people I thought I was following. Also I'm sure some pictures just never appear on the dashboard. Ah, too confusing. By the way; if DailyBooth is a strange, unknown thing, allow me to explain. You take a picture of yourself everyday. And see other peoples pictures of today. And they see yours. That's about it. Wanna go there? Click right about... HERE. I have my lastest picture somewhere on the side over there -->

I think I shall go get ready to do the leaving thing now. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

x x x

Monday 13 April 2009

Who said I need a life?

Thanks to the WONDERFUL Maureen Johnson many people are participating on BEDA (blog every day April) and well, it does what is says on the tin. At half nine this evening I decided I would read four peoples blogs so far. 13 days. 4 bloggers. 52 blogs (Oh, check MY maths). So far this evening I read a baker's dozen (that's 13...) blogs by Kristina and three by Maureen. Then I decided to write in my own blog. And then my story (I have 100 more words - exactly! - but I also made loads of changes so... YAY) . So the blog reading has taken a back seat.

Something I am beginning to be annoyed by is how many different blogging sites there are. I can barely remember which one I am one. (Luckily when i start typing in 'blog' to the address bar all the pages I've been on on this site; who needs to actually remember things when the computer will do it for you?) I used to be on another blogging website* but I realized, while I was okay with putting it on the internet, if anyone I knew read it it would just be a bit weird. Sometimes personal stuff (I mean emotions etc. not like bank details...) is okay to share with the internet because they are strangers. You may never have to meet / talk to these people. If they judge you, so what? They are in Iceland or something. But I shall try and write this in a way in which I would not be embarrassed if someone read it. For one thing it has my name on it *EMMA*. My previous blog was anonymous, that's why I was so open (and just a TAD bitchy).

[*I'm sorry Blogger, it was before i signed up for you. I swear! I've not been going behind your web page with a another blogging site]

Now, Maureen Johnson (Oh shut up about MJ, do you like love her or something? Yes, as a matter of fact. And some day she will have my babies, or let me have hers. How does it work when you're both girls?) gave three ideas for blogging.
(Here's a little fact for ya' when copying that third tip I copied her ENTIRE blog so far in April. I then had to delete it all, trying not to delete my own. This is one of the many reasons I should not be Prime Minister, but that's for another blog.)

So far I have done none of those. In fact I have rambled (you knew I was gunna do that!) about blogging. Maybe some day I'll write an interesting blog. And maybe some day I will *insert something i will never to do*. I hear ALL the cool kids use sarcasm... Word.

x x x

Thursday 9 April 2009

Just bloggin'

I found out the other day that the word 'blog' comes from 'web log'. Blog is just one of those words that when you think about it is a really weird word; blog. Who was the first person to put those two words together and knock off a few letters? And how long did it take for everyone to start using it? Other abbreviations also apply to this: don't, won't, can't, haven't. Oh those are all something-nots, there's a link. Oh; another one - there's. Language is a funny old thing, eh? There are so many different languages and we can translate between them all. (Not me personally; I am only just getting through my french and German lessons.)
I don't have much else to say, so I shall just leave it there. Toodle pip children of words.

x x x