Monday 29 June 2009

Your stupid. Learn you're grammer.

Okay; we all make the odd typo. In fact, I make the odd hundred.
But those aside.
If you are calling someone something; dumb for example. You are saying YOU ARE dumb. Not that dumb belongs to them. Therefore you are saying the abbreviation of you are: YOU'RE.
So, you're dumb
for not knowing that it's you're not your.

Thank you.
Oh, also; who can tell me what's wrong with this title of this book aimed to help 5-9 year olds learn and practise writing, punctuation and grammar.


x x x

PS feel free to tel me all the mistakes I make in my typing - I just can't be bothered to read my blogs back...

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Long Phone Calls.

You know on movies and TV shows when people have those

"No, you hang up....

No; you!

I'm not going to hang up, you hang up.
No, you hang up!"

And they are disgusting. It's like; just hang up the goddamn phone, y'know? Who cares who hangs up first?

I had that conversation.

Almost; not so obviously lovey-dovey, but the lovely-dovey was still there.

I was on the phone to my boyfriend the other night and we're not seeing each other much this week or next as we have work experience (more on that later). Now, anyone who sees me and Liam around school will know we spend a lot of time together; we have about half of our lessons together I just worked out and we walk to lessons together when we can. To then take that away from us, apparently, had pathetic results.

I will admit; I am needy. I would like to see my boyfriend every day. But that's not reasonable so I just try to talk to him every day and see him as often as is possible. It's okay that I am so needy, I would like to point out, because he kind of is too. So we're just cutely in love - let's leave it at that!

In the absence of actually company we have turned to phone calls. I know, not a new invention but we never really called each other; we just texted or MSNed. But we have starting phoning each other instead and it's really nice. You know with some people on the phone it's really awkward and you have nothing to say which is fail when you make a phone call to TALK? When you don't have it's nice. When you can even have occasional comfortable silences between lovely conversations phone calls can be nice, you can walk around and do things or just lie in bed or sit in the garden.

It's just... wonderful.

I'm gunna blog about all the wonders of work experience next week; that is a threat, not a promise.

Love to all,

x x x

Saturday 20 June 2009

Book Banners

There are somethings in this world that are awesome; happy babies, people who do things for charity and book (not all, but most)

Somethings in this world are notsome; Hitler, lies when there is no benefit* and book banners (not all, but most).

Take a selection of young adult fiction. Preferable those aimed at females or gender neutral (I cannot claim to no anything about books aimed at males). You will find these will probably include sex in some way; having sex, wanting sex, discussing sex, friends having sex, learning about sex. Or possibly drugs; taking drugs, watching someone take drugs, a friend taking drugs, being tempted by drugs. This could also go for alcohol or other such things a parent wouldn't really approve of.


If they do; those should be banned.

Now, book banners; I have not explained myself there. These are people who think certain books should be removed from school / public libraries. Or at least be moved to another section. This would be fine if the books were not fit for the young adult section they are in, I'm sure in some cases it's a genuine mistake and the book gets more - no problem.

But some times these people are just being plain SILLY.

Some books are YA. They were written for young adults and the librarians - who know what they're doing! - have decided that they are fit for the young adult section.

From my limited research (what I have heard...) it seems that book banners are usually mothers, who read a bit of their teenagers books and think 'core blimey heck; SEX?' and decide that this book is not suitable for their child.

This blog was inspired by Maureen Johnson book's struggle to not be banned, but instead of talk about her book I decided I would go for another author I TOTALLY FANGIRL. John Green. :)

In a video he told the Internet 'I am not a Pornographer'.

His first book, Looking for Alaska**, was going to be taught to eleventh graders at Depew High School. This is not usual as a lot of schools around America teach it. But the teachers etc. at Depew High School thought that some of the scenes in it are a bit controversial so wrote a letter to parents to just make sure it was okay with them to teach it. If they signed the permission slip, the kid reads the book in class. If not, they read another book. Sound like a good plan, right?

Apparently not.

Some people, not necessarily people with eleventh grade children but whatever, decided this book was a work of PORN. Therefore will cause 'immoral thoughts and actions in children'. Therefore even if the students whose parents have said 'Yeah sure, read the book - is cool' shouldn't be allowed to read the book. In my mind the agreeing parents should be offended - the non-agreeing parents are kinda judging their parenting.

When John Green talks about this, he admits there is one sex scene in it. This shows how disastrous sexual activities of that sort can be; it's awkward and not arousing - the point of porn being to arouse. The point of that scene is the contrast between that scene and the scene that follows it; there is not physical interaction in this scene but a strong emotional connection. He's telling us how it's actually better not to have sex, the emotional relationship is much better. Teenager who have physical relationship without the emotional one are going to have a failed relationship. It's inevitable.

So when their are people going around claiming he's a pornographer; he had a right to be upset. He has written an amazing book that would be great to study in class. Anyone who reads that book can tell it's not suggesting sex is great and we should all have it, even teenagers aren't stupid. We can tell when a book is telling us something. And I would be offended by anyone who suggests I cannot read critically just because I can't, y'know, vote and stuff.

So parents who want to ban books for your teenagers library (as if any are reading this...) I have some advice for you;
Read the entire novel with an unbiased view, if you still feel the book is inappropriate then you can have a case.
Don't think your kid is stupid and cannot think for themselves, we can actually be quite smart sometimes...
If you are worried about certain activities your child could be partaking in, talk to them. It might be easier than you think.
And finally, LIGHTEN UP; we are kids. We are curious about sex and drugs and life. Of course we are - that's what teenagers do. Sometimes we read about that stuff because we AREN'T DOING IT. Nor do we want to, but it's still nice to know what it's all about.

This is just one teenage girl's view on book banning; I'm not saying I'm right...

Well, I'm off to sleep away this THROAT OF PAIN (that's not gunna work. I need drugs!)

But first, I shall leave you with a picture of me while I wrote this blog.

I couldn't find any plastic bowls so I settled with this plastic pan thing I found... Good night my dears


x x x

*I know, I know; 'Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness' but somethings are okay to lie about

** If you have not read this book, seriously, do. Go and buy / borrow it and experience the wonder that is Looking for Alaska.
PS Have you noticed I don't read my blogs through...
PSS I know that Liam is going to read this because for he reads my blog.. the only person I know that does. Hehe. I love you Li Li. x

Friday 19 June 2009

I'm sick *fake cough*

Anyone know where I'm quoting from?

So, yeah; I'm a bit of a poorly girl. Yesterday I wake up with an incredibly sore throat, me and mother consider my staying at home that day but then decide that as I have to do my German coursework under test conditions that day it would be best for me to go to school. That's fine, just take Strepsils when I can and for lunch I'll just have yogurt and a banana; easy to swallow.

Fast forward an hour or so to registration, I'm crying (I cry too much, huh?) because my throat is absolute murder. Everyone is telling me to go home but I want to do my German, even though I then rest my head on Liam's shoulder, let my hair fall over my face so no-one can see me and tell him quietly that it is really hurting me. Matron comes in to give us forms so they can stick us with needles at some point and is quite worried because if I'm crying that much something is really wrong; you'd think, huh?

But I brave on, I'm a crier, baby - but a fighter. Get to German, start revising for the coursework. Then decide I need to go see Matron. Okay, maybe not such a fighter...

She sent me home. I had a high temperature and whatever was wrong with my throat and a bad headache and tear puring out of me. And I had the 'not well' look about me.

So I go home, I take the appropriate drugs, I drink a lot, I eat nothing, I fin sh my book (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), I watch three episodes of doctor who, I tidy the bathroom.


I took today off as well. Not being in school for two days makes you feel a bit out of the loop. Apparently I didn't miss much but I still feel like I may have.

But hey; I had a lie in. And have so far read the first 14 chapters of Harry Potter.

The plan, I think, is that I miss gymnastics tomorrow. I don't want to but I think it's probably best I do. I have work experience starting Monday so I should probably rest up for that. Mum reckons I have tonsillitis. Yay. Well, possible tonsillitis sounds more medical than 'it feels like I have a lump in my throat that moves when I swallow.' Gross sounding, eh?

Well the television awaits to amuse me, so toodle pip.

Hopefully I'll be better soon and not write such boring, rambling blogs about the day I got ill.

But... We'll see.


x x x

I was quoting Mean Girls.

Boo You Hore.

PS I'm sorry. I am very sorry. That was INCREDIBLY boring. If you read it, well done. Next post will be EXCITING. Nar, who am I kidding?

Wednesday 17 June 2009

I forgot to give this post a name...

Today two interesting things happen.

Firstly, at lunch I discovered how you get people's attention; clap. Outside in the courtyard someone started clapping - apparently he does his a lot to see if anyone will join in. It worked. Someone else joined in, then someone else, then their whole group was clapping. Then surrounding groups (including myself&boyfriend&friend) started clapping also; this may have been just to join in or to take the piss, either way the entire courtyard began clapping. People from the field, MUGAs* and canteen then come running over, thinking 'everyone's clapping; something must be going on'. Nope.

Freddie's got the idea!

This, of course, freaked out all the teachers; if we're all clapping SOMETHING MUST BE GOING ON. My head of year asked me and my boyfriend 'What's going on?' So we told her. We are clapping. Why? No reason at all.

But they had to ruin our fun and scream at us to go back to where we came from. I don't think I've ever heard a french teacher demanding people to go play football. And when I thought that was the most amusing thing about today, something else happened...

You know the way some girls send their boyfriends naughty pictures? And then sometimes to another person. Who will then send it to a complete knob who will print it off and stick it up on a school notice board? Yeah.

I come back from lunch, watching toward my form room to see a big crowd of people. Shouting about seeing something, which I soon find out is pictures of a year in my girl. Wearing a suggestive amount of not a lot.

While I feel sorry for this girl, that would be HUMILIATING, I can't help from finding it a little funny. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bitch, I really do feel sorry for her. If that had happened to me (don't worry; it WON'T) I would be MORTIFIED; this is not something people are going to forget. But you really have to be more careful about something like that, once you sent someone a... compromising photo of yourself they can do whatever they like with it. Send it on.. put it on noticed boards.

Oh, and just once minor detail I forgot, this notice board isn't just like big pin board; it's locked. The pictures were just slid in the side, but then you couldn't get them out again without a key. So instead of being able to just rip it down they just had to stand in front of it and wait until a teacher with a key.

Today was... eventful.

Here's hoping something interesting happens tomorrow also. :)

Love and clappings


x x x

*Multi Use Games Areas; my sister looked at my funny when I said MUGA when I was talking about this to her. It's not something I just made up; honest.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Ich liebe meine Freunde

I love my friends.

That may sound like a stupidly obviously thing to say. But I really do. It makes me happy just to think I surround myself with people who can get me literally rolling on the floor laughing, even when it wasn't all that funny to start with. I adore that each of my friends are beautifully unique and uniquely beautiful. One of my friends once told me that one of the things she loves about the group I hang with is that we are all different. A bit quirky. Now, this wasn't in a actually bitchy 'y'all a' freeks' kinda way; she was telling how the group SHE usually hangs out with are all a bit the same.

These aren't the kind of friends you want

You want them more like this!

It amuses me to no end that I have a friend who will giggle at the same time as me when we both think of a joke at the same time just because someone said something random.

And that there is the most fabulous girl who was my best friend years ago. And still is now. And despite how much time passes we are still are the same when it comes to each other; mostly she talks lots and I listen because I don't have that much to say.

And that watching movies with one of friends, I have recently decided, is the ONLY way to watch movies.

I could go on and on and on about all the wonderful people I have in my life. But I shan't bore you. If there is anyone whom I consider even loosely a friend I appreciate you. I really do. Even if there I annoy you, or sometimes you annoy me; I love you. Because there are people who care about me, and that makes me happy.

Thank you.


x x x

I wish you peace and love and happiness in everything you do

I pray that everywhere you go someone will be in love with you

And I know that if you stay with in these loving arms of mine

That every one of these dreams will come true

(My favourite ever song lyric; and I mean it.)
