Sunday 24 May 2009

I <3 summer

I love summer.
And the sun.
And the heat it generates.
And the colour of my skin after tanning.
And the colour my hair goes in the sun, the lovely blond highlights.
And how you can just sit and read or just lay down out in the sun.
And how you can go outside for everything, for a meal or just go for a walk because it's that nice outside.
And that you can wear short skirt or floaty dresses and not shiver while everyone says 'told you so' as happens earlier / later in the year*.
And I love taking pictures of the sun, they make for interesting photos. ;)

Hello Summer :)

And summer evenings when it's still light and warm, just with a cooling breeze.

And walking barefoot through grass or sand with flipflops in hand.

And that I wear make up less in summer.
And that I eat less.
And wearing sunglasses without looking pretencious.

I love summer.

x x x

*This does not happen to me. I'm the one laughing quietly to myself when a girl walks past in a bra and belt (no, sorry; that IS a top and skirt, just easily mistaken otherwise) shivering.

Friday 22 May 2009

Not so good times...

Today I cried. Just after physics, right next to my locker, I really started crying. And for no real reason, how silly is that? Well, therere must be SOME reasion; here are a possible few ;

1) my boyfriend had been annoyed at me but didn't actually tell me (when I directly asked if he was annoyed at me) that he was annoyed at me. Nor would he tell me why. I can't stop annoying him until I know what I did!
[Although he did later say... so I should cut him some slack there]

2) I was tired. That sounds silly but when I'm tired I am SO much more likely to cry.

3) I hit my knee yesterday. Really bad. It hurts very very lots. And it was instant bruising. And made me feel really tired after. And I keep hitting it on things again (yes, I'm Bella clumsy) at I don't deal well with pain.
4) Today was the end of term and that always makes you feel a bit... meh. A week off to recharge the batteries will be nice.

**Thanks to the joy of draft i started this yesterday so I shall carry on from the day after**

And today I cried again. But this time I blame my blood pressure. It's too low and it makes me ill. And being ill makes me cry. Don't know why, guess I'm just weird.

So that my tales are water leaking from my face. Wasn't that fun?

Nothing exciting. Just wanted to right about it. This isn't even interesting. Maybe I'll write something interesting next time.

Yeah, the kid's right; not likely

Maybe I will get through tomorrow without crying at all, wouldn't that be exciting?

Love and tears


x x x

Friday 8 May 2009


The other day a tractor came down my road from the farm. My thought? (a) this should be a horse (b) he should be ridiculously attractive (c) I should have some accident like dropping my school bag so he can stop, get down and (d) start talking to me so we can (e) start falling in love.

I blame the Hannah Montana Movie.

But in reality, this (not very attractive at all) young man, who was too old for me anyway, went straight past me. Which is just as well; I has this boy what I am going out. He lovely. :)

I think I have watched to many films / TV shows and read too many books that have all that love stuff in them. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend; he's amazing, really. But thanks to all that romance fiction I do kinda a little bit expect him to just do something randomly amazingly sweet and crazily over the top.

for example; I think if / when I am proposed to I am actually going to be surprised if it's just; "I love you, marry me?". I want a room filled with candles (Friends) or a thousand yellow daises (Gilmore Girls). That doesn't mean I expect it, of course. Don't think I am some high maintenance girlfriend who demands everything her way, it's just I kinda want that. My mother did always tell me that "I want doesn't get" and I know that. But a girl can dream, can't she?

But when I think about it, I realise have the kind of romance I like. Love in fact. The kind of romance that is my boyfriend only ever giving me the orange tic-tacs from the orange and lime packets coz I said I like those better or tickling me all the time at school coz he likes to make me giggle or wrapping his arms around me when it's cold while singing Take That songs. Because I love it when he sings.

It may simple, but it's real. And I love it.

But Liam, you can always buy me flowers. :p

So, really I just have to understand that fiction is just that. Fiction. A lot of those things are written by woman who have the idea of a perfect man in their minds and find their way to make him real. But the man in my life is perfect enough.

(Gosh, what a fickle little teenage girl am I going to sound if in a few months / weeks / days / hours I post a blog all about how i just got dumped / broke up with him)

(Well seeing as I started this Friday and it is now Monday it proves a) that I am still in like like with him and b) it takes me FOREVER to finish a blog sometimes...)

*Now imagine the tinkling of a piano coz I am about to do some SERIOUS piano practise*

(Piano playing is not for the small handed - let me tell you)

Anyways.. The lesson of today. Fiction is fiction and we should learn to appreciate the real little gestures of love. We should all stop comparing men to Edward Cullen. He's got the vampirery thing going on, and he's had a century to practise all this. Most men are just winging it.

I wish you all a romantic day


x x x

Monday 4 May 2009

Road Trips

T'other day I watched Elizabeth town. Amazing film. You should like totally watched it. :)

It starts off a little slow and you may, like me, think what was Amanda getting so excited about? It's not that great a film. (Okay; maybe the 'Amanda' just applies to me...) But then you start liking it. You start loving it. And then you want someone to plan an amazing road trip for you, including a great soundtrack and several stopping points. Then all you want to do is go on a road trip even though you lack a car and well.. are too young to drive anyway.

So to add to my list of thing to do in life; an amazing road trip. Or perhaps two; one with people. One alone. I should really start saving petrol money now coz when I can drive that's all I'm going to want to do. When buses into your village are about every two hours you really want to drive yourself places. Not to mention how much I hate asking my parents to drive me places, they have their own lives they shouldn't have to, for example, not drink on a Friday night because they need to pick me up. Sometimes I think that, for a teenager, I make quite an... easy daughter. Wouldn't you say?

But anyway; road trips.

My auntie once told me she used to want to be a lorry driver. It seemed the best job in the world to her, she could just sit there and drive, listening to the radio or her music. And they always have those little toys hanging all over the place; that appealed to her young self.

I can see her point. I want to just go for a drive sometimes, just sit in my car, turn the radio right up and drive. Maybe not even know where I'm going; drive for the sake of driving.

In other news; Windows Movie Maker hates me. I kid you not. Earlier this evening I had to stop the video editing that I was doing because I was so frustrated at it. Grr.

The thing about writing blogs and then leaving them for a little while to come back to is that the last bit no longer applies; I edited the video and have uploaded it to that good old YouTube. But WMM still hates me methinks.

I'm just gunna leave this blog right about here.

Stay in school, don't take drugs and (most importantly) don't forget to be awesome :)

x x x

Sunday 3 May 2009

Swine Flu

People need to stop freaking out about swine flu.

*sneeze* "Oh, I think I'm getting a bit of a cold."
"No, it's just a col-"
"I don't have swi-"
"SWINE FLU. SWINE FLU." *Runs away screaming to the nearest shower*

Have we not noticed that the media like to make a big deal about things? Madelin McCann went missing; the media OBSESSED about it. But then they got tired off printing the headline 'MADDY HAS BEEN CONFIRMED DEAD' and then 'MADDY STILL ALIVE' the next day. And just before Easter Jade Goody was dying; we knew ALL about that. Then she died (may she rest in peace) and we knew ALL about that.
What can newspapers print and TV news shout about now? Ooh, disease. (Well, it's either disease or Princess Diana and, as much as I love and respect her, there can't be much more to report about that now surely?)

I understand that it is a serious disease but i think you could clear a room by wearing a sombrero, I honestly do.

People are gunna by more newspapers and watch more of the news if they are panicking about things. Maybe I'm just a bit cynical but... there we go.

So children, if someone you know has a doctor confirm they have swine flu, yeah; probably time to panic. But until then don't worry. You're more likely to die by being hit by a car. So, watch out for cars.

Stay healthy ;)
x x x