Tuesday 22 December 2009

I suck, Catherine Tate is thick and it's christmas

I stopped blogging over November because of NaNoWri. Even though I did give up like a 1/3 thought, but whatever.
And then I had just got out of the swing of it, y'know?
Then it was my mock GCSEs, joy of joys, so I was revising and when I wasn't revising I was numbing my mind with tumblr and the like.

So, hi. Those are my excuses. I'm over it now. I'm going to blog.

I only just today watched the Never Mind the Buzzcocks; Doctor Who Special today. My gosh, Catherine Tate is a bit thick isn't she? Hehe. I mean; very funny lady, very entertaining. But just a bit thick. How long was she in Doctor Who? And she has only recent learnt his name is not 'Doctor Who' like, last name 'Who' and he's a doctor. Silly billy.

I do love David Tennant. I saw St. Trinians 2 today, it was good and it had Daveyboy in it. Wasn't keen on his greying hair I must say, but he's gorgeuos so whatever. Actually love him so much. I will proudly announce to one and all that I have his autograph up on my wall.

It's christmas in a few days guys, you exicited? I'm not excited exactly but I am really looking forward to christmas day. Being all family-y and having a lovely lunch (possibly with an old woman who lives up the road who may be on her own at christmas) and I am looking forward to presents. I know that's materialist and I feel so selfish when my sister just gets Oxfam Unwrapped presents. (Although I did buy her something so she has an actual present, but some money goes towards a charity). But yeah, I am looking forward to opening presents. It's fun. :)

I just love chirstmas though, not even the day just the season. All the decorations everywhere and christmassy things and what not. It's lovely.

But anyway. I shall stop typing now.
Toodle pip mes amis,
x x x