Thursday 27 August 2009

I'm a bit pathetic

When I'm ill I get pathetic. I don't know how I'll deal will getting seriously ill - not well I'm guessing. Anyway...

This weekend we went to visit my uncle and aunt for my cousins first birthday. My mum, dad, sisters and I went as did my grandparents and we all manged to get ill from it. I was sick three times that evening. And the following day my uncle got ill, then my sisters, then my mum and dad and my grampa. And a few days previously my aunt and the lil' baby got ill. Not good.

But a few days after I got ill again, at half past two and four in the morning I was up being sick; niiiice, right? I wasn't even at home - I was sleeping at my boyfriend's house! (Not in his room I would like to just point out...) There are various reasons for my delayed illness we think but I can't be bothered to get into them. But that rest of the day I stayed in bed. Got home about half nine and went to sleep on the sofa (I couldn't have my room 'coz the radiator man was faffing about up there), I woke up at about three, watched some telly with my sister then went up to my room at 5. I dozed until dinner (when I ate about ten grains of rice and a prawn). Bedtime was 8 and I slept until 9 the next morning. That really is quite pathetic, methinks; just lying down, praying not to throw up again.

On a happier note something made me laugh a lot right now - you know all the random quizzes on facebook that will tell you all the things you never wanted to know? Well one of my facebook friends took the 'What body part are you?' and his result was penis. There is post on my facebook homepage telling this guy 'You're a penis!' Sometimes I love facebook.

I'm all healthy now, just to let you know. :) So it's all good. I'm healthy and that guy is a penis. Good times.

And I started this blog two days ago but due to the many things I'm blaming my forgetfulness on I'm only just posting it today. So, GOOD MORNING BLOGGER - I hope you are all fine and well

x x x

Saturday 22 August 2009

Hello *waves*

Haven't blogged in a while. Many idea for doing so but have yet to actually turn any of them into writing. But this is not purely laziness, okay it's MOSTLY laziness. But after being on holiday for two weeks I have a lot of blogs to read and decided to not write until I have totally caught up.

I have not technically caught up yet.

But tonight I am VERY happy. There is no real reason, I'm just in a appreciate-life kinda mood. It's nice. I told Liam that I was very happy and he asked why and I didn't really have an answer for him. But I told him Life is good. And when he when asked Why? again I said that I have a wonderful boyfriend in him, and many amazing friends who care about me. And tomorrow I go to see the cutest baby in the world. Maybe I am a little biased as she is my cousin but I don't care she is ADORABLE. And on Tuesday she is one year old! It doesn't feel that long ago that my aunt and uncle announced they were pregnant (yes, they. While it's the woman who has to BE pregnant and give birth we can't ignore the man's role in it when he is being a devoted husband-father type).

But moving off the cute ickle baby. Tonight I felt it was a blogging night! I only know of one person who reads this blog (my wonderful boyfriend) but it does feel good to just sit and type as if I were talking to lots of people. When I blog it's just what I'm thinking or feeling at the time so I can just type without much conscious brain input. While typing one of my stories or some homework or something I have to think about what I'm writing; be that the next plot development or why DID Mary Shelley use THAT metaphor instead of just describing it. It's kinda of like writing a diary, except of course I have to monitor what I'm writing because this does go out to the INTIRE INTERWEB, and I can type quicker than I can write. I think. Not legibly at least.

In old diaries I have the majority of the pages are filled with scribbles that are, apparently, words. That was because a) I was trying to write as quickly as I thought and b) it worked better than any lock; nosey people may have been able to open it, but they sure as heck wouldn't be able to READ it.

This is blog is so appropriately named. I just ramble. I'm the same when I talk and do not get interrupted I just go on and on.

Gosh, I am getting rather tired. Apparently being really happy tires me out. Or maybe it was the two hours of gymnastics this afternoon? Nar, definitely the happy.

Anyways, bed time now methinks. Goodnight my dears, I go to bed knowing that sure; I could be a dress size or two smaller and I could have the money to buy all the shoes and CDs I want but in the grand scheme of things who gives a flying fritzle? I do have a good life. So yeah, goodnight :)

x x x